Please look PICS need help


Well-Known Member
this looks like a process called transpiration which is usually due to high air temp. what is the temp in the growspace? ideally you have a temp no more than 75f indoors.


Active Member
this looks like a process called transpiration which is usually due to high air temp. what is the temp in the growspace? ideally you have a temp no more than 75f indoors.
Alright thank you i looked it up and deff thats what it is... lowering temps now and hopefully she'll recover


Active Member
Light are too close, causing too much heat. Make sure there is goo air flow between the top of the canopy and the light bulb.

Get a Tablespoon of kelp meal, alfalfa, yucca and/or aloe, steep it in water, drain, and foliar your plant with them. This will make them more heat resistant and less prone to react when things get hot.

Also may want to check into some potassium silicate products(protect, armor si, agsil) this is the bees knees when it comes to stress/heat/mildew resistance.

OG Gardenz

Active Member
Im all about kelp, fulvic Acid and yucca as a foliar! I use all solubles to increase availability.

I also agree with the Silica recommendation..bongsmilie


Active Member
An easy way to think about it is……Both aloe and yucca are extreme heat desert plants, and both can with stand drought conditions. If you want these properties in your cannabis you have to apply it. Both aloe and yucca are extremely beneficial foliars with INSTANT responses.

This canoeing or curling that is happening has happened on quite a few plants of mine. Usually they are growing too fast and I don't realize how close to the bulb they are getting. I increase air circulation and move the plant around so different stems are in different areas of the room. Then foliar with aloe, fulvic and kelp. If you have access to yucca then use it if not the other three inputs should help.

When I introduced silica most of these instances ceased, minus extremee ^100 degree temps, but still thrived after corrected.