Please need help some one ( light problems )

dope dogg

Today was the day that my plants were due to go into flowering, they have been on 18/6 for a while now and are more than ready for flowering. However this morning my useless brother forgot to turn the lights off, so they got more like 21/3 !!!:wall:

The questions are. Would it be a good idea to flower them in the next 24 hours, or leave them to let them get there light cycle back ? Plus what damage can this cause to my babies ?

Im very worried as it is my first grow and im quite noob, any help would be massively appreciated, Thanks

Sorry if i posted in wrong place this my first post.


Well-Known Member
no problems at all mate, like unicronlives said some people give there plants a period of complete darkness b4 switching others myself usually dont bother, but get ur self a timer, they on cost a few bucks mate and saves any probs especially if ur stoned and forget....or have a dopy

dope dogg

Thanks for the help guys, guess im worried bout nothing. so just giv them there 12 hours dark tonight and they shud be ok :) lol i have 2 timers but my a/c just goes to stand by with a normal timer ( cant figure the timer on a/c ). guess il have to be the timer from now on, my brother is dangerous to my babies lol thanks again peeps.

would like to giv +rep to unicronlives for helping me so quick, but dont know how :S


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys, guess im worried bout nothing. so just giv them there 12 hours dark tonight and they shud be ok :) lol i have 2 timers but my a/c just goes to stand by with a normal timer ( cant figure the timer on a/c ). guess il have to be the timer from now on, my brother is dangerous to my babies lol thanks again peeps.

would like to giv +rep to unicronlives for helping me so quick, but dont know how :S
its right above your join date on the right side of the screen!