please, need some professional feedback on this one


what could this yield? a white widow plant, female of course, with 2 400 watt hps and 2 400 watt mh, 1600 watts total. vegging for 4 months till flowering is forced. also topped many times and lst. please help.


I just pulled a WW that vegged for only 6-7 weeks, it was 7' tall in the end, had to tie that bitch over and use electrical wire taped to it to shape it and hold it down. Pulled eight ounces dry when done from one plant in a 2' x 4' x 7.5' cabinet. Had 2 150w HPS and 1 100w HPS in there. Total of three plants in the cabinet, but realistically more than half was occupied by the one White Widow alone, still considering the total wattage, the lack of penatration those lights had, I was happy. Buds were not hard and had some fluff, but the smoke was still good and potent.