Please pick apart this design


So I have tried a grow that utterly failed and I think I learned a lot about what I was doing wrong in the process. At this point I have the concept in mind of how I'd like to do my next grow, but I would love to get input from you all about how effective this would be. I do need to mention I am on a pretty tight budget for this grow, but if it works and harvest goes well I will be able to add more to it over time.

Anyhow here is my thought on what I'd like to do:

I will be growing 1 plant each in a 5gal bucket. Both buckets have multiple drain holes drilled through them and will be sitting in a 18in x 40in x 4in plastic box (for collecting the excess water). Then around each bucket I have these mylar coated exhaust tubes (looks a lot like dryer vent but with an 18in diameter to fit around the buckets--highly reflective) and then I was going to go with 1 of these and one of these running vertically inside the ducts. I am hoping that will get me some average results until I can afford a HPS light eventually.

I will try to take some pics of the pieces this evening and post them tomorrow so it's a little more understandable what I want to attempt. At this point I looking to have this design picked apart because I don't want to waste the effort if it won't work well.


Well-Known Member
Post some pics so i know what your talking about. Start off simple not complicated so you can increase your $ for the next grow which can be bigger with the hps.


Well-Known Member
posts some pics or hit up paint and draw up a diagram

check out my sig for my cheap CFL grow, i have spend 94$ but it was in small incriments .

im a newb grower too and having a few issues but my setup is solid


Sorry didn't realize my links wouldn't show up different from the regular text. The two bolded "THESE" are the links to the little lights I have

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Thats not gonna be nearly enough light. Sorry. You'll be much better off with some high wattage CFLs in splitters.


LOl don't apologize, that's the type of info I am looking for so I don't mess up again. That's why I said to pick apart the design :)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Dude, check with some of the local commercial lighting companies or building demolition/salvage companies. They will almost always have used high bay lighting and exterior security lighting fixtures for sale. Interior high bay lights are usually MH and the security lights are usually HPS. They can easily be converted to remote ballast lights. It's all I use. Craigslist and ebay are also good sources. I bought 8 1K HPS ballasts for $40 ea off craigslist once. Don't search for "grow" lights, rather use MH, HPS, High Bay as search terms. I have less than $50 in my most expensive 1K lights, reflectors and all


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Don't it tho??? The best reflector in that room was my "home made" batwing. A 24" x 36" piece of sheetmetal, and some flat white spray paint!!!


I have an MH fixture available to me because I happen to work in a warehouse and my boss buys lots of industrial surplus. I took a picture of the product label on it so you all can let me know if it's usable.


I would just have to get a bulb for it and wire up a ballast I guess? Anyway one of y'all could point me in the direction of a good how to on that?

Oh and another question I had for you all, if your light has one of those plastic diffuser covers, is it best to leave it on the light or remove it completely?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Yeah, thats definitely usable, it's a 175w MH. There are pics in my albums showing how to convert it! Try and get a 400w if you can.


Gonna have to chalk this one up to being a noob, but where can I find your album that you mentioned?

And any input about keeping/tossing the diffuser? I am leaning toward keeping it off because it seems to me that anything between light and plant is just going to cause a loss of useful light to the plant

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You got it. Shit!! It seems I didn't put the pics in my albums after all!! I'm correcting that now. Here in a while go to my (mine) profile/albums/converting high bay light.


Active Member
Dude, check with some of the local commercial lighting companies or building demolition/salvage companies. They will almost always have used high bay lighting and exterior security lighting fixtures for sale. Interior high bay lights are usually MH and the security lights are usually HPS. They can easily be converted to remote ballast lights. It's all I use. Craigslist and ebay are also good sources. I bought 8 1K HPS ballasts for $40 ea off craigslist once. Don't search for "grow" lights, rather use MH, HPS, High Bay as search terms. I have less than $50 in my most expensive 1K lights, reflectors and all
why do that when he can get this for £70 ($109)

ballast shade and dual spectrum.


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
why do that when he can get this for £70 ($109)

ballast shade and dual spectrum.
Ummm, 'cuz he can get essentially the same thing for well under $75 U.S.

Venomhawk, It seems that I didn't put the pics in my albums as I thought, so it's done. The pics are there. If you have any questions, PM me or one of the electricians here on the site. I know there are at least 2.