Please please help!! First grow havin some serious issues??!?!


Okay so before I start I will give you the specs of my grow operation. If I missed something please let me know and I will fill in as necessary. This is going to be a long one so I apologize but I really really need the help!

Grow Room - 48"x48"x78" Reflective tent
Lights - 600W HPS
Ventilation - 1 (?) cfm exhaust fan *NO INLINE FAN*
Soil - Fox farm ocean forest
Nutrients - Fox farm line
Temp - Ranging from 60F (sleeping) to 85F (awake)
Humidity - Ranging from 58% (sleeping) to 30% (awake)
Plants - 2 Bagseed, 2 Kalashnikova, 1 Skunk Shiva

Ok so here are the issues I've been having. I started off growing in October and have run into some troubles with my grow. I live in Michigan where it is obviously winter now. Anyhow, the best way that I can describe what I'm seeing as is the leaves immediate to where the buds are, are sucking themselves in and turning brown. I've essentially lost both of the bagseed from this happening. It's really weird almost like they've stopped budding? I really don't know how else to explain it. The weird thing is that one of the two Kalashnikova is budding fine (although the leaves do look messed up on it.) The other Kalashnikova was doing fine until about a week or two ago when I noticed the same thing. Can anyone give me any insight into what is going on? I'm working on uploading some pictures right now...this is really screwing me up and it's obviously a continuing problem since the Kalashnikova which were previously fine are starting to do the same thing. I have seen no signs of pests. I'd have to imagine its a heat/humidity thing?? That's really the only thing that is unstable from what I can tell.

So now I ask you for your help. I am at the point where I'm ready to take it all down and start over. Just don't knwo what to do...please help!!!! I will post the pics as soon as they upload....



These are the same strain. As you can see the one on the left is having something going on (so is the right, but obviously not the same). Point is both plants have been in the same conditions, fed the same nutrients, and basically all variables have been the same. What's with the brown leaves getting sucked in????


Active Member
what size pots are they in??? and what week of flowerng are you in??? need to make better pic all sides of the plant!!! JB


Active Member
well to me it looks like bud rought come from inside of the buds im not that sure cuz the picture are not that good but thats what im thinking!!! JB