PLEASE READ!- 9 inch plant going well...i hope, check it out, help me out.


Well-Known Member
Looks good nice and bushy. I'd say veg it for a min of two more weeks. But just remember that ur plant is going to triple in size during flower. And get 2-3 43+ watt'er 2700K lights and she'll respond nicely. What nutes are you using to boost your plant during flower?
the whole triple in flower is a big maybe tho ut wit my plant it had already started hitting the ceiling of my grow room than it juss stoped growing vertically and them stem thickened alot now the top of my plant doesnt even reach the top of my grow room anymore juss budas and buds


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, i know about aussie ponics and my mate is actually going to buy that setup, lol.

by the way, my light cycle has been 24 hours of light the whole time, ive just changed it to 18/6, and ill be changing it again in 2-3 weeks, to 12 hours of light, this sound ok?

and when im flowering it, ill be using a 100w 2700k cfl from aussieponics, will this be enough light with a few extra 23 watt cfls?


Well-Known Member
I dont know how that is "NOOBIE"...... Your fine mikey going from 24, to 18, to 12, most cycles do that anyways. Clones 24 hrs, once they root 18 hrs, flower 12.... so i dont knoww what Onetimeonly is talking about.


Well-Known Member
I change my light cycle all weekly.

During the weekdays it runs 14/10 because I don't like leaving it on while I am at work then I switch it to 20/4 on weekends. I have even left it 24/0 on the odd occasion and it hasn't seemed to do any harm.


Well-Known Member
You can see my 6 weeks veg CFL moms here, they just went under 12/12. My grow journal might help you a lot actually if you are going into flowering now because I am too - maybe you can learn from my mistakes.

What strain is it??? Is it bagseed? It really does look short, bushy, broad-leafed and saw toothed like Top 44 (which is what I am growing).

Good looking plant, don't know about size for 9 weeks it could certainly be bigger but the plant looks healthy.

Make sure you don't overwater (soil gets dry for a day or so between waterings - plants breathe air through their roots) and maybe put some more light on 'em. If you are using CFL's you need to be within an inch or two of the plant.
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Well-Known Member
dont know man, the strain is unknown, it was a random seed but it came from good smoke, i remember that much. lol.

maybe it is top44, lol. i have no idea, but yer, for the first two weeks of my plants life, i had a 60w incandescent bulb on it, then i switched to cfls after signing up to RIU, lol.

yeah, im getting a 100w 2700k cfl and hanging it over the top of my baby for flowering, as well as an even distribution of smaller CFL's around the base of the plant.


Well-Known Member
I was curious about the strain because I have a 5 week old that looks very similar. It came from a bag of good mids a while back. Guess what guys, my electric coop sent me 4 cfls! Theyre 23watt 1600 lumens. I guess they are trying to turn people on to growing pot lol. Too late since Im sitting here waiting on a 600w cooltube thats being delivered today to replace my current HPS setup. Maybe Ill find a use for them.


Well-Known Member
Look bro, that switchin to 24/0, to 18/6, to 12/12 is a lil uncalled. If you are cloning then that's when I would say sswitch, but ur talking about switching the light schedule around like that within a week of each other is pointless. If you wanna throw your plant into flower quickly I'd say give it 48 hours of darkness and when you go to turn to lights on after the 2 days your plant may already show sex (mines did). Nothing against what your doing butr it just seems like your making something sooo simple more difficult than what it is.


Well-Known Member
yeah sweet as, its on 18/6 now, waiting for more grow space though, im taking my cabinet over to my mates house where the plant is, so we will soon have a veg room and a flowering room. and a 28watt cfl over the top of a propagation tray with lid, for the clones. sounds ok right? hopefully b flowering with one 100watt 2700k warm white cfl. with additional cfls around the sides of the plant, but if i cant get the 100watt cfl, should i just get a bunch of warm white 23 watters for flowering? if so how many 23watters will produce good yield?

got pix. 1st two is of the same clone, but i have three more exactly like this one.
and the 3rd pic is Mary, my baby, about an hour before clones were taken. Rootex Powder was used.

let me know what ya think.

laterz guys


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