Please Read if you TRULY know how to grow...

Hi. I'll be as brief as possible. I am working on a screenplay, which involves the main character building a grow room and producing his own strain of weed. Thing is, I want him to create Grade A powerful weed, and I want the weed to be unique in some way. I want his weed to stand out. I've considered having him make his weed taste like something delicious due to the method he uses to grow it. However, I hardly know the first thing about growing weed. In short, I'd like some help with advanced techniques on growing weed so that I can make him as a grower and the weed itself greater than the average. If any of you have ever seen Breaking Bad... I would like him to be something like the Walter White of the weed world. Speaking of which, is there any advanced chemistry that people use to do something special to weed? Any help is appreciated. Thanks a million.


Just like you I also don't know how to grow plants and was in fact looking for some effective and useful advice.
I guess I should've known I wouldn't get much help. Like most newbies, my post is probably way too general. I was just trying to get some direction on advanced weed growing techniques. But I guess I'll just keep researching on my own. Thanks everyone.


There are practically innumerable ways\methods\techniques to growing cannabis. In order to grow potent high quality delicious herb the techniques used don't even really have to be all that 'advanced' or complicated. Many find that buds grown naturally with the living organics paradigm produce the most complex aromatic profile with a smooth, delicious taste. Such characteristics as taste and smell are also highly dependent on plant genetics. So, if your character is supposed to be a breeder you might want to focus on trying to understand plant traits, inheritance and concepts like Mendelian genetics.

A growing technique that produces superb plants and herb could be as simple as a high quality living organic soil, or a super-soil, along with actively aerated compost teas. Aside from some understanding of the kinds of living organisms, particularly microbes, that make soil alive and how they are involved in nutrient cycling and plant health one doesn't need much else to grow a good crop - aside from experience, maybe.

Take a look at some of the grow guides and journals around here to make some first hand observations on how different people grow.

Cajun Grower

Active Member
i dont think anyone on heres gonna hold ur hand and walk you through everything read read read and read some more like most of us on here learn to grow ! not tryin to be a smartass just sayin !
Thanks a million Nullis. I have a feeling that was just the answer I needed. Because I know next to nothing about growing, I think I was very likely over complicating the entire process and what makes for a good strain due to my ignorance. But if there's one thing that I believe has always held true– it's that the simplest route is almost always the best one. I really appreciate the advice. I also think that I was trying too hard to make growing weed out to be more like the synthesizing chemicals (a la manufacturing ecstasy) when in fact you're right again– I should be focusing on the fact that I am dealing with organisms. This is more like biology than chemistry (though the two endlessly overlap). I'll definitely look into Mendelian genetics. Thanks again.


Active Member
But you see the thing is ... 'advanced' methods for growing. Growing is simple in principle, and practice, albight like everything else there is a knack to it. Even breeders keep things simple, use natures rules of biology and diversity. Ie imagine growing a kush with a cheese, you get a kush/cheese offspring, albight some experimentation or backbreeding may be required in order to get the attributes of each that is desired.

By advanced the closest thing I can think of is using different techniques - all of which revolve around the principle of making existing light more efficient, such as screen of green.

Huge amounts of people work really hard to spend unnecessary money, or try unnecessary tricks and complicated roundabout ways of doing something that is damn well near automatic. Give the plant the basics, practice, experience, learn to read/understand the processes involved and voila. Same with breeders.

If you want really advanced, you could find some genetic engineers to inject cells into a strain so that it takes like banana milkshake or coffee. But to me that would be blasphemy.

Growing weed is NOT difficult, WE make it difficult in most cases.

PS: One of my pet hates with cannabis related forums is everyone wants the results and know-how, but only the minority seem to take it upon themselves to learn and understand the biology, what and why, the basics. If you're sitting doing nothing, you have an internet connection, spend some hours doing homework and investing in yourself. You'll never understand how or why weed grows if you rely on begging others for answers. Don't just focus on weed either, focus on all plants and foliage. While thats boring as shit for most people, when you start realising how its all linked and the common attributes, you can use that information to your benefit - and suddenly boring shit becomes very interesting.

We should be learning to harness and promote nature, not trying to redefine its rules. Nature will win, every single time, and rightly so.

I believe it was Gandhi that said... live as though you were to die tomorrow, but learn as though you would live forever.

Got the same stance. I'm a nice guy, not some badass scumbag, growing weed is illegal through legislation - not in morality or principle. If I'm branded a criminal for growing to benefit my life (and my ability to deal with it), so be it, but that doesn't make me a criminal, and I refuse to be branded one by politicians who steal, lie, corrupt, fuck hookers and claim to know better.

I'm not a rasta (not cool enough), but Jah Bless regardless :)
But you see the thing is ... 'advanced' methods for growing. Growing is simple in principle, and practice, albight like everything else there is a knack to it. Even breeders keep things simple, use natures rules of biology and diversity. Ie imagine growing a kush with a cheese, you get a kush/cheese offspring, albight some experimentation or backbreeding may be required in order to get the attributes of each that is desired.

By advanced the closest thing I can think of is using different techniques - all of which revolve around the principle of making existing light more efficient, such as screen of green.

Huge amounts of people work really hard to spend unnecessary money, or try unnecessary tricks and complicated roundabout ways of doing something that is damn well near automatic. Give the plant the basics, practice, experience, learn to read/understand the processes involved and voila. Same with breeders.

If you want really advanced, you could find some genetic engineers to inject cells into a strain so that it takes like banana milkshake or coffee. But to me that would be blasphemy.

Growing weed is NOT difficult, WE make it difficult in most cases.

PS: One of my pet hates with cannabis related forums is everyone wants the results and know-how, but only the minority seem to take it upon themselves to learn and understand the biology, what and why, the basics. If you're sitting doing nothing, you have an internet connection, spend some hours doing homework and investing in yourself. You'll never understand how or why weed grows if you rely on begging others for answers. Don't just focus on weed either, focus on all plants and foliage. While thats boring as shit for most people, when you start realising how its all linked and the common attributes, you can use that information to your benefit - and suddenly boring shit becomes very interesting.

We should be learning to harness and promote nature, not trying to redefine its rules. Nature will win, every single time, and rightly so.

I believe it was Gandhi that said... live as though you were to die tomorrow, but learn as though you would live forever.

Got the same stance. I'm a nice guy, not some badass scumbag, growing weed is illegal through legislation - not in morality or principle. If I'm branded a criminal for growing to benefit my life (and my ability to deal with it), so be it, but that doesn't make me a criminal, and I refuse to be branded one by politicians who steal, lie, corrupt, fuck hookers and claim to know better.

I'm not a rasta (not cool enough), but Jah Bless regardless :)

More great advice. Thanks a ton Rollup. And as I said earlier... I recognize now that I was over complicating things and that simplicity is key. Also, I should have made this clear but I wasn't looking for someone to spoon feed me all of the information. I was looking for someone to point me in the direction of the information, because I actually enjoy learning these sort of things and those moments where you go 'Oh so that adds up to THAT' and it all starts to make sense. Fortunately I found this page:

And I've already begun downloading. I'm in for a long day of reading. And I'm looking forward to it.

P.S. - Expanding into other, more general areas of horticulture and botany is a great idea as well. And it'll give my character even more authenticity, seeing as how he won't just be a 'weed grower.' He could be considered by some to be an educated, legit botanist. Thank you very much bro.


Active Member
Yeah please don't mistake my words for moaning or critisism, I have a tendancy to rant, lol.

Lots of books out there with solid info, also don't forget youtube, lots and lots of different related videos on there, and useful details can be harvested from each of them.

Some disagree with my simplicity and basic approach, which is fine, but I think so many problems and expense can be avoided if you work with nature, rather than dominating it with all sorts of fancy/complex nutrients etc. The plants need certain nutrients, but a lot of beginners make the mistake of thinking more is better, pack the soil/medium with heaps of nutes etc, then wonder why the plant is going all chemical OD etc.

Easy oasy, go with the flow, learning all the way. :)


Well-Known Member
There are practically innumerable ways\methods\techniques to growing cannabis. In order to grow potent high quality delicious herb the techniques used don't even really have to be all that 'advanced' or complicated. Many find that buds grown naturally with the living organics paradigm produce the most complex aromatic profile with a smooth, delicious taste. Such characteristics as taste and smell are also highly dependent on plant genetics. So, if your character is supposed to be a breeder you might want to focus on trying to understand plant traits, inheritance and concepts like Mendelian genetics.

A growing technique that produces superb plants and herb could be as simple as a high quality living organic soil, or a super-soil, along with actively aerated compost teas. Aside from some understanding of the kinds of living organisms, particularly microbes, that make soil alive and how they are involved in nutrient cycling and plant health one doesn't need much else to grow a good crop - aside from experience, maybe.

Take a look at some of the grow guides and journals around here to make some first hand observations on how different people grow.
patience is a virtue few here posess. rep to you for being the op...what nullis said is basically how it is. mb it doesnt make for a great story but you can embelish...perhaps your protagonist finds some meteorite he sees falling before him and that when ground and mixed into soil makes things grow at astounding speed. mb he has to hide it from government agencies and military intervention who want it for their own devices...idk...just an idea...and shame on the guys who couldn't help this guy a it really takes you a lot of thought...oh that's right...tis because you don't have original thoughts...that explains a rep op...hope your protagonist's name is dan:)
patience is a virtue few here posess. rep to you for being the op...what nullis said is basically how it is. mb it doesnt make for a great story but you can embelish...perhaps your protagonist finds some meteorite he sees falling before him and that when ground and mixed into soil makes things grow at astounding speed. mb he has to hide it from government agencies and military intervention who want it for their own devices...idk...just an idea...and shame on the guys who couldn't help this guy a it really takes you a lot of thought...oh that's right...tis because you don't have original thoughts...that explains a rep op...hope your protagonist's name is dan:)
Thanks Dan. I really do appreciate the kind words. And thanks for throwing out an idea. My script is very much based in reality, but it's nice to see someone online actually throw out an idea rather than the usual 'Come up with your own sh_t' response.


Well-Known Member
Hi. I'll be as brief as possible. I am working on a screenplay, which involves the main character building a grow room and producing his own strain of weed. Thing is, I want him to create Grade A powerful weed, and I want the weed to be unique in some way. I want his weed to stand out. I've considered having him make his weed taste like something delicious due to the method he uses to grow it. However, I hardly know the first thing about growing weed. In short, I'd like some help with advanced techniques on growing weed so that I can make him as a grower and the weed itself greater than the average. If any of you have ever seen Breaking Bad... I would like him to be something like the Walter White of the weed world. Speaking of which, is there any advanced chemistry that people use to do something special to weed? Any help is appreciated. Thanks a million.
I suggest you go with an after effect that kicks in after smoking it for 10-14 days straight. It affects your pineal gland, your third eye. You start to see the world in a different way, colors are intensified, smells are stronger, it actually makes you wiser. Not in a einstien type of way but a buddha type way.

You can make the effects as strong or as weak as you wish.

Then say after a few years of being wiser and 80% of the world is hooked the bad aftereffect kicks in and it turns everyone into a face eating zombie

good luck
I suggest you go with an after effect that kicks in after smoking it for 10-14 days straight. It affects your pineal gland, your third eye. You start to see the world in a different way, colors are intensified, smells are stronger, it actually makes you wiser. Not in a einstien type of way but a buddha type way.

You can make the effects as strong or as weak as you wish.

Then say after a few years of being wiser and 80% of the world is hooked the bad aftereffect kicks in and it turns everyone into a face eating zombie

good luck
Lol. First time I've ever seen people actually want to contribute with original ideas on an online forum. Lol. Nice.