...please read is there a difference between wet and dry bud...


Active Member
so my question is this ,...say you have two harvest everthing done the same...and say you harvested 5000 wet grms on the first harvest but the nugs and herb were on the fluffy side... now on your second harvest you harvest 5000 wet grms but the nugs were much more solid....what im trying to figure out is in the drying process do u lose more overall weight from the fluffier buds rather than the solid nugs... or does it not matter since weight is weight....like for instance at the end of drying what do you think .. the final weight of the 5000 fluff nugs vrs 5000 solid nugs would be.........im trying to get a wet vrs dry weight notebook goin i have several harvest with each plant wet and final dry weight......just seein what you pros think


Active Member
i think they would be exactly the same weight in fact im nearly 100 per cent sure that if they were both dry to the same extent they would weigh exactly the same, it would not be a far test if for instance you dried a small bud for 2 weeks and a large bud for two weeks because of course it is going to take longer for a larger denser bud to dry then a small bud/buds. if you had exactly 3 grams of small buds wet and 3 grams of just 1 bud wet, then made sure that the starting moisture content was equal in both at the start of the tests then dry until your desired moisture content and made sure both samples had the same moisture count i would almost guarentee that the weight would be the same


Active Member
ok you make sence with ur point ... i guess i could see that .....ide like others who have done this experiment ta chime in.......but a lemonz if you harvested 6 tomato plants all in toatle it came to 5700 et grms wfor shits what do you think your final dry weight would be....


Active Member
lemonz is right, weight is weight, ten pounds of feathers weighs just as much as ten pounds of steel! But check this, I would assume that you would get more end weight from the dense nugs because, the airy fluff would contain more stem per gram than would the denser nugs, so if you trimmed everything the same, and cut all the bud from the stems, maybe this difference would be small and negligible, I would exert more thought and effort to pondering why one harvest came out fluffy and one much denser, harvesting different strains, too early, different lighting?


Active Member
lemonz I think you hit it as it has as much to do with the starting moisture content as the weight, in an equal playing field if both dense and fluffy started with the same weight and moisture content and were dried to an equal ending moisture the results would be very close.
But as a dense nug will have less total surface to air contact than a fluffy nug will and in theory should hold more moisture per given weight, and if you just start off with using only weight to figure a start to finish I think your numbers in the end could have a wider swing from dense to fluffy, would it be enough of a difference to matter that I couldn't answer.
And then there is always the question is there a difference in trichs on a dense vs fluffy nug and do they loose weight as they dry and cure or not, I guess it all depends on how many zero's behind the decimal you use on your scale.

Just my thoughts


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
so my question is this ,...say you have two harvest everthing done the same...and say you harvested 5000 wet grms on the first harvest but the nugs and herb were on the fluffy side... now on your second harvest you harvest 5000 wet grms but the nugs were much more solid....what im trying to figure out is in the drying process do u lose more overall weight from the fluffier buds rather than the solid nugs... or does it not matter since weight is weight....like for instance at the end of drying what do you think .. the final weight of the 5000 fluff nugs vrs 5000 solid nugs would be.........im trying to get a wet vrs dry weight notebook goin i have several harvest with each plant wet and final dry weight......just seein what you pros think
your going to loss 50% of your weight peiriod.. dence or fluffy.. the only defrence in fluffy and dence buds is it takes less dence buds in a bag then fluffy buds to make a LB.


Active Member
just 50 % wow thats great so 5700 .... would end up 2350 dried grams....is that right
yes its right if you dried it too 50 per cent but it might not smoke as good if you dried to 30 per cent you have to experiment and see what YOU want and prefer. you could not dry it at all and have alot of weight but the smoke will be compromised the best thing you can do is smoke the buds at different stages of moisture until you are happy with the smoke


Active Member
so ur sayin that the perfect amount of moisture left in a .....dryed ... and cured ...smokeable bud ..would be 30%


Active Member
its up to you to dry to different stages and find what is perfect for you but dont let it get too dry

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You dry it till it's to your prefered dryness. Some strains ma lost 75% of their weight by the end of drying, some may have lost only 60%, others maybe 80%. You do not dry until it has obtained a certain percentage drop, you dry it until it's dry or dry to yohur preference


Active Member
well what percent of moisture would u leave in a bud before jaring.....giving everyones drying process is different.. me personly i trim al the buds off the main stems and place them on hanging drying racks.....so no need for another session once and done takes alittle longer though


Well-Known Member
dry until the outside of the bud is dry, but the stem doesn't snap. cure until the stem staps.... thre you go!


Well-Known Member
well what percent of moisture would u leave in a bud before jaring.....giving everyones drying process is different.. me personly i trim al the buds off the main stems and place them on hanging drying racks.....so no need for another session once and done takes alittle longer though
65-70% humidity with a hydrometer in the jar. you want it down to about 55-60 when your done curing


I just dried and weighed my biggest single nug of my harvest. It is an Aussie blue main kola. Was 135g wet when I chopped it. Dry it's 28.5g