please!!! save my plants,(nutrient burn/light burn)


Well-Known Member
Thats even worse, foliar feeding with piss...hahaha. Yeah, I wouldn't do that anymore. The new growth should be fine, just mist your plants with fresh water and don't let your soil get to dry, as it looks in the pic. Good luck!
Never mist your plants under an HID when the are that young, they will burn for sure! Thet will also turn different shades of green in areas and they may even start to die off from that, u need to mist clones not seedlings good luck tho! U should have some happy plants real soon!

green thumb matt

Active Member
dude, you should be fine, this looks like the strain I just had. with the growth of the first three sets of leaves, the previous set turned yellow, brown, then died. After that, it grew like a bush. It was so compact it looked like it was budding when it was in veg.
same thing happened to me. Miracle grow potting mix?