Please show me ure biobizz nuts and soil schedule


Well-Known Member
hi ,

I really need help , i keep fucking my grows with nitrogen toxicity, this last time i tried starting only on week 4 with 25%fish mix + activera and heaven .
At week 5 i i used 50% fishmix and on the 1st watering of the week i got very little almost unnoticed N tox . On the 2nd watering of week 5 (i average 2 waterings week)
i used again 50% and on the next day i had bad N tox. on 2 plants . Week 6 i reduced to 25% fishmix again and now the other 2 are showing signs of N tox aswell.

I just cant work with fertilizing on vegetation with biobizz , in flower ok , on veg i always have problems , always , please help me with this


Well-Known Member
I Start with light - mix on first 2 weeks and then transplant , it makes a diference this fact


New Member
Try fox farm strawberry fields soil. Literally you can plant from seed to harvest with no mixes and buds taste like fruit and are real big like fruit too.
Best recommendation!!!


Well-Known Member
biobizz schedule, i only use bio grow , bio heaven and bio bloom at 50% recommended dose. if i see nute burn i alternate feed, water, feed, water until nute burn stops. i use all mix soil, never used calmag lol the all mix soil is full of nutes so i only use water for first 4 weeks then gradually introduce the nutes. guy in the shop says less is more. i also ph everything 6.2 - 6.7, ive seen ph fluctuation issues appear on the leaves, (yellow patches). if you read the description for fish mix it says it improves poor quality soil.


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Well-Known Member
Firstly be sure you're not using both Fish Mix and Grow at the same time. You need to choose one or the other, but the schedule is not completely clear on that.

Secondly, if using All Mix, wait until the seed leaves are starting to yellow before adding any N at all. If I start mine too early I get N tox for weeks.

Finally different plants need different nutes. There's a lot of trial and error involved as clearly you've found, so no one size fits all answer unfortunately!


Well-Known Member
I'm using LightMix soil + BioGrow , BioBloom and TopMax. RootJuice for the roots. I always give 25% of the recommemded dose. So if the bottle says 1-4 ml/L I will take in consideration the smaller amount ( 1ml/L ) and from that I count 25% so I give 0,25ml/L. Never had nute toxicity this way. You can start giving RootJuice right away, it only contains substances for the root development. I start with BioGrow after 2 weeks, however you could start even after 4 weeks, I'm sure the soil is hot enough. Never used FishMix but I also read not to use it together with the BioGrow. So give it like you would the Grow. When I see pistils ( pre-flower ) I immediately stop giving BioGrow and replace it with BioBloom and TopMax. The plant needs waaay less N during flower but more P and K so make sure to stop giving it. Also I never flush. Not with organic nutrients. Keep feeding the plant till the end of her life.


Well-Known Member
thank you guys for ure help , biobizz recommends to use fish mix in vegetation and switch to bio grow on light switch , so im doing that .

Last night i tought a lot on this and as a newb some light came , im gonna use the 25% strategy starting when i see some yellow first leafs incrementing slowly , and when i see some toxicity or burn i will reduce the dose in 25% , i think ill let the plants guide me instead of a company schedule