please someone aid me with nute prep


Active Member
Hey guys i have some nutes for my plant shes about 6weeks old and def need some nutes. Im have her on regular top soil ,i got from work. (landscaper) yes nd i dnt know much about gardening its self. Im gonna post a pic of the nutes i also grabbed from work. Balling on a budget here lol. Please if theres any more info u need let me know.. oh and i just moved her to a five gallon pot today.. that i grabbed grom work also..;-)



Well-Known Member
I know I'm medicated but wtf seriously... the first pic threw me through a hoop lol... :-P

If your on a cheap budget just get the cheap nutes from your local homedepot or whatever... when you have the money buy better nutes... You can get a veg and flower combo pack at homedepot for around $10 or so... I can't remember the name of it right now but when I think of it I'll update this post... The 14-14-14 won't hurt anything right now if thats all you've got use it just don't over due it...


Ursus marijanus
Seriously ... that is a slow-release lawn-type blend. You'll need something with N and Mg. The much-maligned ... uh wait. Are we talking indoor/pots, or outdoor/dirt? If A, get something different, immediate-release with NK emphasis. If B, it will be tolerably adequate. cn


Active Member
Ok thanxx.. but i can afford other stuff i just tought i can save a penny. Lol but thank..and i seen nitrogen phos nd mag i touht it would be good enough for it.. and there isnt many store around here with nute just walmart nd home dep..but will do..