Please someone just help me im losing all my hard work fast!!

I am on my 4th week of flowering and cannot figure out what is going on!! I addead cal/mag and superthrive a week ago and it didnt seem to do anything, so then I flushed about 3 days ago. But its still spreading and taking over fast... now its on the little sugar leaves around the cola and im losing my ladies fast,, the plant is Chrystal and now my ICE is getting it too, but not in spots more in brown lines WHAT DO I DO PLEASE!!!

Its mainly my 2 topped Chrystals that are getting it bad the first pic is the ICE its getting horizontal brown spots.

and as you may see the effected leaves also have redish purple stems,, i also bought molassas today but its "grandmas unsulfered molassas" ive herd alot about "blackstrap" but couldnt find it, will the one i got work the same??

ive looked and loeed and read books all i could find is a magnesium deficiency or a potassium but they both look the same and i tried to treat with cal/mag and superthrive but it kept spreading what would you do if you were me??
I recommend you boosting your cal /mag, and checking your ph and ppm. Your not adding much, superthrive is only a b-1 vitamin. since your in flower you need to maintain an NPK feeding schedule. look into some flowering nutes; don't have to be anything expensive.


New Member
First off I can't see any pics.

I just did a Chrystal, amazing plant. I wish I knew how to help you but again, there are no pics. It's easy to upload, just click on the picture frame icon that's to the left of the film strip icon and you can upload directly from your pc.

Brown or rust lines sounds like cal-mag issue, but you said you added it.

Make sure your runoff pH is between 6-7. it isn't completely accurate but if you get a reading outside 6-7 you know your pH is the issue. Of course I'm assuming you are in soil.

Quit using superthrive for now.

You need to find what your pH is, you need a meter.

What is your medium? What nutes?

Reddish purple stems can be normal, but I don't remember them on my Chrystal. pH is your immediate concern.
2012-08-17_19-27-17_402.jpg2012-08-17_19-28-08_317.jpg2012-08-17_19-28-20_6.jpg2012-08-17_19-28-32_944.jpg2012-08-17_19-28-44_297.jpgThank you thehole for the instructions i couldnt figure it out before. this is my first post on this site the other one im on nobody ever helps so im hopeing to get help from you guys on here.and yes she is an awesome plant ive had fun growing her the smell is nice i ike rubbing the stem and smelling my hands afterwards haha but please everyone help me figure out whats wrong

-Ice & Chrystal
-Were all germinated and in soil on June 15
-4nd week into 12/12
-400 Hps
-8 in from lights
-Miracle Grow moitsture control (I know not ideal)IMG_6771.jpg
- posted pic of nutes I use at half the reccomended doses
-its an attic so its hard to keep temp down averages around 80 degrees
-Small problem with white flies but i cleaned that up with orangcide


Well-Known Member
I am on my 4th week of flowering and cannot figure out what is going on!! I addead cal/mag and superthrive a week ago and it didnt seem to do anything, so then I flushed about 3 days ago. But its still spreading and taking over fast... now its on the little sugar leaves around the cola and im losing my ladies fast,, the plant is Chrystal and now my ICE is getting it too, but not in spots more in brown lines WHAT DO I DO PLEASE!!!

Its mainly my 2 topped Chrystals that are getting it bad the first pic is the ICE its getting horizontal brown spots.

and as you may see the effected leaves also have redish purple stems,, i also bought molassas today but its "grandmas unsulfered molassas" ive herd alot about "blackstrap" but couldnt find it, will the one i got work the same??

ive looked and loeed and read books all i could find is a magnesium deficiency or a potassium but they both look the same and i tried to treat with cal/mag and superthrive but it kept spreading what would you do if you were me??
Unsulfured molasses is unsulfured molasses. Stop with the additives and just flush with water but sparingly at the same time. Waterbound roots = dead plants.
Step 1, elevate plant so it can drain,
Step 2, flush the hell out of it!
Step 3 punch holes in the soil surface (3-6 inches depending on pot size) with a SHARPENED pencil to allow new oxygen to the roots and help the soil dry.
Step 4 Let dry.
Step 5 feed a bloom fertilizer FIRST. MAINTAIN A PH OF 6.3-6.8 ON EVERY DROP OF EVERY LIQUID YOU PUT IN THE SOIL! You are right, you do have both deffincies. the mag deffencie wont stunt growth until its severe but the potasium will so fix that first
Step 6 add some calmag. give it every other watering for about two weeks (water,food,calmag,food,water) your plants have had a mag deffencie for about 2-3 weeks before you ever see the symptoms, so its something you have to anticipate. fix it this time but remember to add calmag to your regular feeding schedule the first two weeks of flower next time. CHECK THE PH!
Step 7 Roll a fattie! youve worked hard, you deserve it!
Thank you so much for your help, i already did the flush a couple days ago and just now I took the bottom over flows off so its just bare holes, I elevated and stuck a box fan to blow under the pots. I also did the pencil with a bunch of holes going down. Im guessing theyll be dry enough on monday to feed,
so when i feed am i going to use the fruit blend pro, hydroplex and the liquid karma?
or which ones should i use?
also i have not put in molasses yet i just bought it when should I add that?
and they havent ever been drinking much I only water like once a week is this a problem? i know when soil is dry but they dont drink much could i have been over watering when i was? i would fill the pot til it started running out the over flow then tip the excess into to a bucket and dispose.
one more thing when i flushed i was using a water with 6.5 ph the first in inital run offs were at 6.2-6.3 i flushed intil runoff was consistently 6.5.

ps thank you guys for helping me and im sure ur tired of rookies asking the same questions, i wouldnt be able to get this down if it wasn't for you taking time out and coaching me soon you guys wont be replying to rooks anymore cuz ur so fed up and ill be in my prime to take over answering threads and carry on the life of the beautiful plant.
Too bad i dont even smoke i use to a hell of alot, i dont like it anymore im just obsessed with growing something so beautiful from a seed and watching it mature knowing i gave it life. Im just going to donate it to all my friends that do. This is going to be my first official pull, the last try ended with this same disaster and i lost em. Im going to start doing research on mediums, ive done some but its so confusing, people talk about sooo many different recipes
I am not to sure about botanicare nutes. Ive never run them before. on each lable there should be a npk statement. should look something like this, 2-5-2. find the stuff with a higher second and third number. look and find a feeding schedule from botanicare. should be able to find it online, or at your local hydro store. that will tell you what to feed and when.

yes you are over watering. when you water, the water replaces the oxygen in the soil that the roots need. if you deprive them of that oxygen for two long they will suffer. try to water just enough so that they dry by the next day, 2 days max. feed twice a week and try to get at least 1 plain water between feedings.

I like to add molassase once a week through all of flower. just mix 1 teaspoon/gallon of fresh water. adjust PH.
I dont get it ive done everything i could thing of and have been told, my water ph is 6.5 (thats what it is right out the tap) let it air for a day. Ive flushed and let the pot dry completely before watering. ive fed with liquid karma, liquid sea weed, bloom pro, molassas and cal mag and its still happening every morning i wake up its worse and worse. I believe my growth is stunted because my biggest cola on my healthiest plant is only as long as my index finger and as thick as the handle on a base ball bat. the worst plant, all the white hairs are still long and white, haven't filled into what the pic below is yet and im on week 5.... but the worst ones i will say are my chrystals, and their both topped. while my ICE (pictured below) isnt topped and is alot healthier and bud grown fuller. Im on week 5 now what is wrong why do i suck at this every time i have the same problem they are beautiful and then just shit out on me around week 3 of flower. Please someone if anyone has any last suggestions on what i could do to turn these around and still manage a decent harvest i would do anything!! Here is my beautiful ICEIMG_6806.jpgIMG_6808.jpgIMG_6810.jpg


New Member
Hello my friend , I gave a read over most of what was written here in reply and you have some sound advice here for sure but I did not see any notes of the media type being used in this grow ..I hope I didnt misread but I am high as well like most here ahahah ..

You ll find that many soils and soiless mixes based with peat tend to drop PH midway into flower and runoffs are really not all that accurate I hate to inform you , often a media can have a ph of 5.0 and the 6.5 going in will quickly run through and read at 6.2 .. Having a accurate quality soil ph meter will almost always prove run off to be far from the truth ..

The problem is purchased soils tend to have a low amount of buffer that can actually be broken down when bought or stored long term by a grower . The most common used buffer is Dolomite Lime . Most growers learn the hard way and eventually amend there soil with dolomite well before adding water to it to avoid Lockout and as well to provide extra calcium and magnesium .. Dolomite is neutral in ph and can be found easly at a garden shop and on occasion at a Hydro store ...

Hope you harvest well no matter , I have had to make lockout calls before with no meters and I just simply used alkaline water to reverse and maintain a neutral ph ... PotSnob:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Unsulfured molasses is unsulfured molasses. Stop with the additives and just flush with water but sparingly at the same time. Waterbound roots = dead plants.
It is an advanced stage of cal mag deficiency. You did right by flushing but the other items such as superthrive dont need that really anymore that was really designed for reducing plant shock after transplant. You dont need the molasses as a treatment but unsulfured molasses is the one you always want if you want to use it as a part of your regimen in flower. Considering how advanced in calmag deficiency some of your fan leaves are experiencing let it go its natural course it will eventually fall off and die. You could folair feed but dont advise it especially while your blooming. Give it time. Takes from 3-5 days after an initial treatment in soil mediums I am going by that assumption. Check you ph of your medium and runoff. You want to catch a potential lockout of nutrients if you do have a ph problem as well.

george xxx

Active Member
At week 5 of flower any improvement not likely. Best bet is to re-examine the possible issues and make changes to prevent possible issues again. Issue was present before flower even if it was not very visible. Small issues going into flower mushroom during bud production with little to no probability of help equaling a poor harvest. Ponder the issues that will stunt growth and look to see if they apply to what you are doing. This is just general food for thought I have no idea what you have done.

What commonly stunts a plants growth :?:
Not repotting when needed. Some strains actually benefit from repotting at regular intervals. Not all will start and grow well in 5 gallon pots. Anything more than 3 weeks in the same pot prior to flower may be too much. The root systems of different strains develope differently. Some immediately shoot a long tap root and begin many roots upward through the soil. Some if planted in large pots early will spred rather than digging deep. The roots quickly fill the walls of the pot and never fill the soil directly under the plant. Repotting often or at least lifting the plant to view the root system can solve many issues. When a plant finishes poorly you need to examine the root ball for issues. There are people here who can tell you what your issues are with good pics of the root ball and sufficient data. Pictures need to be taken and data assembled at time of chopping.

Overfeeding will antagonize the plants ability to uptake nutes and block them out resulting in stunted growth. Could also be under fed. Is this reccuring issue mostly with the same strain :?: Many strains cannot be fed the same. What makes one strain thrive may actually stunt another.

Many other issues cause stunted growth;
Sunting can be caused by:

temps too high or too low

over or under watering, watering schedules are usually crap, when you want to water is irrelevant you cannot force a plant to drink.
You are simply a slave who must cater to a plants needs or it gives you nothing :!:

not enough light

and unstable Ph Don't just check water ph check ph after adding nutes many ferts cause significant drops in ph also check the ph of the runoff after watering.

Good Luck