Please take a look and tell me what you think...


Well-Known Member
Soil - Hyponex mixed with perlite (70/30 mix) in 3 gal. pot (Started outdoors, transplanted to straight Scott's Premium Potting Soil, transplanted to Hyponex./Perlite mix)
Lighting - 7x26w 2700k CFL (2"-3" away) (12/12 now)
Nutes - Jack's Classic and Jack's Bloom (forget actual name)
Water - RO/DI adjusted to pH 7.0
Temp. and RH - 75-85 degrees and 45-60%
pH - Seems to be at 7.0, I use the kit were you add a little soil, empty green capsule and then add water and shake. I also have a regular one to test run off, will be checking again in a day or 2 when I water again.

Plant was started outdoors from seed, stayed there for approx. 4 weeks. Transplanted into 3 gal. pot and put under CFL on 6/5. 6/12 was the first day of 12/12. Growth exploded overnight.

The last couple of days, seems the newer branches are twisted, along with some bigger leave tips curling under (clawing). I translanted into the soil/perlite mix yesterday.

I did start LST, but just removed the stake. Seems really bushy so not sure how to continue. I am almost positive my problems are from overwatering and nute burn. Please take a look and tell me what you think.


Da Silva Satia

Active Member
i would say it is over watering......just the way the leaves are dropping
the third pic does look like a mild case of nute burn.....
how often are you watering and with what????


Well-Known Member
THANK YOU for your response Da Silva Satia.

I am using RO/DI water (pH of 7) and trying to water every few days (sticking finger in the soil method). I did give it a small shot of flowering nutes (too early?, hasn't shown sex yet) a couple of days ago. I transplanted yesterday and gave it a small amount of water, but am flushing it right now as I type.

Fisherman Pete

New Member
drop your ph from7 to 6.5 to start with, water it when it's dry, not when "sufficient time" has passed. learn the dry weight of the pot, it seem vague at first but you quickly learn.

at that size you are more than ok to feed it with nutes, just use a 1/4 to 1/2 strength solution


Well-Known Member
The flush seemed to help a bit, the tips aren't as curled today. Not sure if I should add nutes now or wait a few days? (i'm guessing wait because the soil is still pretty wet from the flush yesterday) Maybe these new pics will help. It last got nutes on the 16th. The nutes have are at 500ppm. SHould I dilute that down some?