Please tell me correct lighting schedule for auto's


Well-Known Member
Dr. Canna

I am new to the site, just wanted to say I like your style. The entire industry needs to work together and share ideas, successes and failures. Not act like politicians.

I found a handy way to use 3 gal smart pots rather than 5 gal with autos. After seedlings get their second set of baby leaves I water from the bottom up. This allows me to have more available floor space and yield is substantially better than fewer 5 gallon pots.

I pour one liter of the water solution of the week in a just right size container that three gallon smart pot can sit comfortably in. Takes about 30 seconds for the liter to be inhaled from the bottom upwards.

Just thought I would share, hard for 60 year old's to find folks that "get it"

Have great day.
Thank you very much brother for your kind words and for sharing your experience.
I did read some guys threads who also feed from bottom up and they prefer doing it this way. I think some stated that it helps also prevent air or dry pockets and hot spots within the soil (not sure how true that is scientifically, but it makes sense logically) . I, on the other hand, never tried feeding this way. Now, as much as i wanted to try smart pots, I didnt get a chance to because I had to switch from soil to hydro a couple of years after starting to grow, not because hydro is better or easier (I am not one of those). It is indeed because it was better and easier for ME and under MY circumstances. You cant find good soil to buy here. And you cant even make youtlr own good soil mix either
Growing mj is the best thing i have done for myself (and family) in a very ling time ..... I just love this hobby and all the learning and excitement that comes with it!
Thanks again brother and happy growing.

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Seems to me the definitive answer to the question of why autos go into flower is, you veg them at 18/6 or 20/4 (or always on). You keep the temp at the canopy in mid- to high-70s F. After 2 - 4 weeks they start flowering, with the light period the same and the temp the same. You can even use the same nutes - if they're 'right' - though switching is preferred.
I grow Auto Heavy Bud, fem, under 24/0. I did a ton of reading about lighting, and determined that 24/0 gave the maximum growth. I've done many grows this way. Basically the only real reasoning I've heard to reduce light time is to "save electricity". The last few hours of light a day "may" be diminishing returns, but I'm going to take all I can get. Autoflowers only veg so long before they go to flower. The less light they get in veg, the less they grow. In the beginning I tried 20/4, 18/6. I had a plant that was almost 7' tall and yielded 105 grams dry. Yes, it was under 24/0. It's not that I necessarily say a decrease with less light, but I didn't see an advantage. With the Ruderalis genetics, they grow in nature under 24 hour light.


Well-Known Member
I am a dad who has followed the dead and all that crap. I am no pro. I have to learn by trial and error. but.. My jock horror autos were great. no they were not a shiva shante. in the dirty south it blew everyone away. With the exception of IRENE. I ended up with 600 plus grams. Granted they took 4 month and 12 weeks of flowering. I went 24 24 on their ass. 3 were red hair all over, 2 were nutty fotailing creemy colas. The ones with red hair smelled of light skittle and the other 2 pine. The trichomes were small on red hair ones but PLEN+TYFULL on the nutty jocks the trichomes were huge so there was no way there could have been more...but they were funk.


Well-Known Member
I got picts of them on here when they were 3 feet and just flowering. 24 hours a day 600 watt . cfls for first 3 weeks. THEN moast IMP. AFTER the tap root has reached the bottom of your loose medium.SINCE YOU have BOUGHT more time because you used a solo cup with no bottom and hand water UNTILL the tap root until it hit the bottom. CORRECT? THUS giving a bigazz root ball