Please tell me what Im doing wrong...


Well-Known Member
dude dont hijack the mans thread read the fucken faq section... socom... dont worry about there size mine are the same size at the same age.. no worries hommie... i start mine in blue party cups but hey whatever you got on hand go with it.. i use cfl for veg and flouro cfl mix for flowering.. i found mine grew alot better when i cut down the square footage there grown in .. .. .. dude ive seen you around and you have nothing to worry about... i love to sit and stair at my plants... only hurts the eyes after i look away... lol but hey dont go psyco they dont grow like every ten minutes more like an inch or two a day... lol :peace:

oh ive talked to alot of people who say they get five nodes a day and guess what there full of shit or have 1000 watt hps.. lol not gonna get that kinda growth with cfl unless you get 400 watts of them or more..
im not even getn a inch a day. They still look the same as 2 days ago lol


Well-Known Member
Heres updated pics from today.. Still really small, they look exactly the same as they did like 3 or 4 days ago.. They are about 8 days old now, gonna be 10 days old in 2 days, and extremely tiny. so I dunno. Im gonna give em a few more weeks, if I dont see a drastic change within that time.. im quitting growing until I can buy the proper lights, and setup. Thinking it may be my soil too having something to do with it , 1/3 perlite/vermiculite/peatmoss ... I shoulda just bought some crap miracle grow soil. Unfortunately theres no places around here with good soil.

