Please tell me what's wrong with these plants!!?


Active Member
I couldn't post a pic so I uploaded the pic as my profile picture. (So take a look)

They are both sour diesel haze autos. About 30 days old just starting to flower. The one on the left is usually kind of perky but still growing droopy. The right one has been droopy from the start pretty much. I was watering them every 4 days but as it's grown I've had to water them every other day. Started giving them nutes at the start of week 3. The one on the right has weak root growth. The one on the left has strong root growth and is a little bigger and started flowering before the one on the right. But in general they are both kind of droopy and nothing I do helps. Even letting them dry out for a few days. Color is good and you can see in the background I have two other plants in this tent that are both doing great. (Different strains) is it just the strain growing this way? I feel like something is wrong but other than drooping they look pretty good. HELP!


Active Member
By thoroughly you mean I should use more water to run through?

I just watered yesterday. Should I water again today thouroughly? And I used nutes on my last water so should I use nutes again or should I just use plain water?

But I water my other two plants the same way and they are in bigger pots and are doing great with the same medium.


Well-Known Member
My experience I have never had to water more frequently than 3-4 days until late in flower stage. From the looks on your profile pics you should be around 4-6 days between watering... Also, try moving them to bigger pots. I usually go to my 3 gal after week 1.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
you should water the pots to run off, and then not water them again till at least the top two inches of soil are DRY...not damp, not moist, DRY, that's what he means by too often and not thoroughly enough


Active Member
I always water til 30% run off. They are micro grow and are in.08 gal pots. I can't repot at this point. Not enough space. Is there any other reason they would be droopy? Like ppms?


Active Member
I had a feeling that maybe they wernt getting enough light into the plant. I cut two big fan leaves off of each of the plants right before I took the picture. Today when the lights cane on I opened the tent and they were perky and lovely. Maybe it has something to do with the transportation and light. Has to be. I knew it wasn' over or under watering bc I'm on point with watering. It' still a little droopy in only a couple areas where the plant isn' getting direct light. Let me see if I can post a new pic.