PLeaze Help PH at 7.3 need to bring down!!


Active Member
I just planted my clones about 4 days ago, THEY WERE IN ROCKWOOL and i just bought a milwke Ph tester and a ppm meter.. The soil was at 7.0-7.2-7.5 and around there on all of them.... I knew this is why it is starting to yellow WHERE THE NEW LEVES WERE COMING IN because the Ph is so high it's blocking out the NUtrients... I dont want to over water it though so now im going to foliar feed it once a week.... My question is how do i bring down the ph witoutoverwatering my Ladies? Do i have to wait until it pretty much dry then water it with A water thats ph is about 6.4 or so would that do it? Aprreciate the help... i'll have pics very soon:peace:


Well-Known Member
Sulphur and or aluminum sulphate both will lower soil ph.

Plenty of info on both can be found online. Garden centers carry both.

If you get any on leaves...quickly rinse off or leaf damage will/can occur.



Well-Known Member
If you have some money then it would be very wise to invest in a full pH kit including the test vial, pH developer, and of course pH up and down. I got mine for 15.95 from a hydrostore. Definitly invest. Herm....let me see. Yes I know clones are sensitive, but weed altogether is a pretty resilient plant. What kind of water do you use? Bottled? Tap? It's very important. I tested the pH of my tap water and I was friggen shocked to find it was way more than 7.0. (on the pH scale pure water is 7.0) pretty acidic stuff. So be aware of that. Is your drainage really good for your clones? Because if it is then they will probably be dried out in a day or two. So definitly fix that pH soon. Good Luck!


New Member
A PH of 7.0 in a soil grow is fine. Be careful in lowering it too much. You can lower it naturally by squeezing a lemon into your water. Or, you can use a LITTLE white vinegar. Or, you can just buy some PH Down at the hydro store. What ever you do, don't overdo it. Its very easy to kill small plants if you go too far acidic. RockWool has a high PH to begin with. So, next time you start to use RockWool, soak them in PH adjusted water prior to inserting your cuttings.

Remember, 7.0 for soil is OK. Those PH figures you see on these grow sites of between 5.2 and 6.0 are for HYDRO grows only.



Active Member
well im using water that has a Ph of about 5.9-6.2 give or take not bottled because i wanted the ppm to be at 0 which it is.... when i water it next time will it be necessary to use ph down since my water is that low in PH...... since the water ph is that low will it eventually bring the PH down in my soil with out haveing to use ph down becausee if i use ph down then my Ph in my water will be super low..... Thanks for your help guys a really appreciate it