Pleeeaaaassseee helllllpppp!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pics)


Active Member
Hello this is my first grow (4 WEEKS INTO FLOWER)and everything was goin well and then this happens I got about 30 plants indoor and only 3 of them are doin this. I got them under 4 1000 watt hps, feeding them Supernatural Bloom Terra with molasses, temp is between 70-85 degrees, humidity between 45-55%. I got good air circulation also. Cant figure it out......



Well-Known Member
Looks like a nice grow!!

Are you growing soil or hydroponic. If soil how big are the pots?


Active Member
Iam using sunshine soilless mix in 5 gallon pails, I started them out side untill they were about 5 feet tall, then I had to move inside because of temp. concerns. Half of the plant are B.C. big bud and th other half area Kush of some kind. Here are a few pics of the healthy ones.



Well-Known Member
That should certainly be big enough. But those are some big plants.

The grow looks healthy enough otherwise.......

I am not a problem specialist but sometimes near the end of the grow the plants root ball just outgrows the container.

Funny how it is in the middle of the plants. Do the bottoms show any yellowing?

Good Luck!!!


Active Member
No the bottoms are good which I thought was weird also I actully have to keep trimming the useless growth on the bottom cause it grows like crazy.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
do you allow for run-off? what's your ph? it seems a bit early but they could be starting to yellow off. bringing them in from outside could be the reason for that.