Plots (The Box Project)

happy cholo

Active Member
To begin me and two of my friends began a growing project about 6 months ago, we invested about 600 dollars altogether to build a box so that it could fit in the allotted space we'd attained for the project.

We ran into some problems during the building though, and now i come to the internet and this wonderful community of growers and stoner's to ask for your advice.

We bought 4 x 4 foot plywood boards about 1 1/2 inches thick and put a box together, the original plans had glue sealed sides of the box and tar paper covering the entire inside. We were going to have the top come up on door hinges, and have a charcoal filter to the outside to make the smell dissipate as far as you can get rid of the smell of plants, we were going to dedicate one cubic foot per plant, and have 4 lights on the inside all HPS bulbs. we were planning on 16 plants seeing as how 4 * 4 = 16 and one cubic foot is the recommended growing room. This was also going to be combined with a bluetooth activated locking device on the door hinge which we purchased due to its discreet nature, and its ability to confuse someone staring at a box without a lock on the outside.

While we were building though we made the stupid mistake of buying all the plywood evenly so a box couldnt be perfectly built leaving about a cubic inch or two on every corner, the door hinge idea for the top was plausible but is a lot of weight to be straining the plywood with while lifted, and the main problem that i see is that plywood isnt very durable nor long lasting so i wanted either a studier platform to work from like plastic or a harder wood, or maybe wood couple with metal plating for support.

So now i pose the question, if you were going to go about this project what advice would you have for me? And moreover how would you go about it?


Active Member
To begin me and two of my friends began a growing project about 6 months ago, we invested about 600 dollars altogether to build a box so that it could fit in the allotted space we'd attained for the project.

We ran into some problems during the building though, and now i come to the internet and this wonderful community of growers and stoner's to ask for your advice.

We bought 4 x 4 foot plywood boards about 1 1/2 inches thick and put a box together, the original plans had glue sealed sides of the box and tar paper covering the entire inside. We were going to have the top come up on door hinges, and have a charcoal filter to the outside to make the smell dissipate as far as you can get rid of the smell of plants, we were going to dedicate one cubic foot per plant, and have 4 lights on the inside all HPS bulbs. we were planning on 16 plants seeing as how 4 * 4 = 16 and one cubic foot is the recommended growing room. This was also going to be combined with a bluetooth activated locking device on the door hinge which we purchased due to its discreet nature, and its ability to confuse someone staring at a box without a lock on the outside.

While we were building though we made the stupid mistake of buying all the plywood evenly so a box couldnt be perfectly built leaving about a cubic inch or two on every corner, the door hinge idea for the top was plausible but is a lot of weight to be straining the plywood with while lifted, and the main problem that i see is that plywood isnt very durable nor long lasting so i wanted either a studier platform to work from like plastic or a harder wood, or maybe wood couple with metal plating for support.

So now i pose the question, if you were going to go about this project what advice would you have for me? And moreover how would you go about it?
The top door is not a good idea. Once the plants start to get big and bushy it would be difficult to get to the pots and the inside for trimming. I suggest just going with traditional style doors.
Sorry thats all the advice I can give.

happy cholo

Active Member
The door wont be all that hard because the plants can only grow as high as the light source and the lights are located on the walls not the ceiling... and i like the pre made box idea, any idea how much they cost?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
My question is where and why the hell did you get 1 1/2 inch plywood. 1/2 inch would be just fine. This is a little over 2x2 but you get the idea. This is before the sides were on. Made the sides with some 1 in foam board that was leftover from a job. Put mylar on the insides.



Active Member
hash lover i like that light set up...
if you dont mind me asking, wut is the dimensions for that box you built? and how many plants were you planing on growing in there? i am currently working on my grow box with dimensions of 1.5ft D X 4' L X 6' H and i was thinking of using a light set up similar to that (only with the lights spread out a little more)...would 4 plants be too much or should i stick with 3?
sorry but im not sure of the strain this is my frist grow


Active Member
silicone glue instead of tar?

Foam boards do the job well? I really never thought about using foam boards. I prefer fire board?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
hash lover i like that light set up...
if you dont mind me asking, wut is the dimensions for that box you built? and how many plants were you planing on growing in there? i am currently working on my grow box with dimensions of 1.5ft D X 4' L X 6' H and i was thinking of using a light set up similar to that (only with the lights spread out a little more)...would 4 plants be too much or should i stick with 3?
sorry but im not sure of the strain this is my frist grow
Hey pdeezy, I started with a 3 light bathroom fixture and just went from there. I just had 3 bulbs in it at first. The box is 25 1/2 x 27 inch and is now about 32 in high. I cut it down about 6 in to fit under the bench. I now use it for small plants and my mom is in it also. You could do maybe up to 4 plants depending on size of course. I had 2 of my girls in it flowering at one point but just got to small. I would do 4 plants instead of 3 to better fill the space. I was going to make a bigger box but decided to just mylar the walls in the closet. So now I have 5'-6" x 3' with about 5'-6" from shelf to ceiling. I always seen to be running out of space.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
silicone glue instead of tar?

Foam boards do the job well? I really never thought about using foam boards. I prefer fire board?
Foam board works really good. And easy to cut and work with. What do you mean fire board? Silicone glue? Tar? what are you using it for exactly? I would not use tar, way to messy.