Pls Help with Waterfarm & Fox Farms Nutes


Active Member
so i wouldnt be posting if everything was great.... lol

what watering schedule is everyone finding successful? Ive tried a few...

also... the Fox Farms feeding schedule says 2tsp grow big 1tsp bloom per galllon for first few weeks of new plants from seed...

this gives ppm of 1100ish... wtf? wont that burn?



Well-Known Member
hell yea that would burn.
I dont know much about fox farm nutes but, You use the Grow Big and Bloom at the same time?

you wanna do 1/4 of w.e. they say

hwo old is the plant in the waterfarm first of all tho.
if its young 10mins every hr... older ones can handle 24/0 with light nutes


Well-Known Member
Do what it say's or dont grow! haha I Kid... I didnt like the big bloom. I just used Big Grow and some Fulvic Acid. Early on used Superthrive as well... Big Bloom is 85% organic. It left my reserve all nasty.


Active Member
Ya i see all the crap at the bottom of my reservoir lol...

I just dont how they come up with that PPM chart? ive been growing for a while with Pure Blend / CalMag ... thought id get something new and get a waterfarm and FF nutes just for kicks... but this damn thing aint even growing lol.... its alive... just not growing ..

I went against their feed schedule PPM chart and mixed proportionate ratios.... its a clone thats been in the waterfarm for about a month.. its about 12" tall.

so the only thing i can think is that im watering 1hr on 1hr off like the guide says.... i dont really see any signs of over/underwatering the fucker just wont grow!!...

so what watertimes are most ppl using? 15on/1hr off? 15on/15off? ????

pH is 5.8 monitored daily.. ppm of FF nutes are at 1000 which has been a pretty steady ppm for my crops... but now its been a month and im just frustrated ... good thing i got another 35 in pure blend on the other side!

also i got another project with 12 from seed in 4" RW blocks.. first time with the blocks .... im hittin em once a day with an areated reservoir... sound about right in a flood table?


Active Member
so whats everyones watering schedule on the waterfarm? im doing 1hr on 1hr off and not a whole lot is happening....


Active Member
Ok so heres my waterfarm... its a clone that ive taken clones off of .... then the foilage fell off after turning yellow... and this is whats left... you can see the little nubby new growth at the nodes but it just stays like this... lol... its been this way for a week...

1hr on 2hr off
Fox Farms Grow Big / Big bloom proportionately (with FF growbig is the food and the big bloom is a supplement) you use both through entire grow)

85% air
60% humidity

PPM/pH checked daily....

ive flushed about a week ago really well...

Ive tried numerous timing combinations... and ive had it...

Ive always used Pure Blend nutes ... so i changed the reservoir to pure blend like i do my other plants and still nothin... so its gotta be the timing on the pump...

First 3 pics are taken today... fourth pic was when i first put the clone in the waterfarm... and the fifth pic was about 2 weeks after putting it in the waterfarm....

if anyone could help me get this thing dialed in that'd rock!! thanks!!



Active Member
people i know leave it on 24/7
if this is the water farm that im thinking of it has a drip ring and then a bottom bucket with the water bubbling. the roots grow in to the bottom bucket and fill it to.


Active Member
Yep! thats the waterfarm!... good thing this isnt my only wannabe mother! Ive gotten so used to my other methods i thought id get this waterfarm for fun and see what happens.... its just a matter of getting it dialed in right... my problem is that most of the "obvious" arent working... so here i am posting lol

so post your watering schedules if you can... i have it on 24/7 now for the last couple days at 900ppm... we'll see what happens!... pH is 6.0 (which my strain grows best at) air movement / temps are good... humiditys good... its a 125w cfl right above it and a 600 halide is right next to it over one of my seedling flood tables... its flushed... its positioned properly in the bucket... hrmm... so ya well just have to see!