Plz can some one help me ive posted about 15 threds but no one help :(


im new to autos nd i wanna know everything about it from wat soil to use to wat nuts when and wat time i wanna know everything bout it for the best yirld nd great smoke i already got some seed i got 3 disel ryder seeds 1 kandy kush 1 sour cream 1 r.k.s but the only autos r the disel ryders the other ones r femenized seeds but my biggest problem is that i dont know how to grow autos is it the same thing????


Active Member
It seems like people on this forum dont respond well to bad grammar and hard to read posts. Try again spelling everything out and being more specific about your questions. People will put time into responding to you if you put time into your question.


I think you're not getting the responses you want because you're basically asking for people to spoon feed you a whole load of information that you could get by searching this site. Read your post back, it basically says "tell me everything I need to know about growing autos".

The appalling grammar doesn't help but I've seen a lot worse and it may not be your fault so I won't condemn you for it.

I would suggest doing some research into autos on this site and others and then come back and ask more specific questions about the things you are not clear about.


Well-Known Member
Any seed company selling Auto's online also have a basic grow guide , your question requires a reply the length of a novel.
I don't have the information that you need. If i did i would have no problem helping you. I fully understand what your asking.Some People are being so rude, try to ignore the one who can't help you. It seems as though they don't know enough about plants so they want to give you and english lesson. # anal. Someone needs to remind some ppl that we are all here because we have something in common, that is the Cannabis plant. They done the same thing to me on here a few times. Its a shame because you feel so happy that you have a place where you can share and be shared with but sometimes ppl put a damper on the experience. I am in serious thought of shopping for a new support/info site. Good luck. I hope you find the info that you are asking for and not judgment.


Well-Known Member
Autos can be grown exactly the same as any other plant.

The only difference is that it will flower regardless of how many hours of light it gets. A lot of people when growing autos will generally choose a 20/4 light cycle.

If you plan on growing non autos too at the same time then bare in mind that any non auto will only veg on 20/4.

As for nutes, you can pretty much use any brand as long as your careful.

Thats as much info as I'm gonna give you until you have a more specific request.
