plz help a noob


ok i have a question it may be stupid to you but im new to this so...what exactly is a hermie? i know its when you stress your plant too much. and your bud grows seeds,ok but what is wrong with that is it just the simple fact that people do not want seed in the bud,,or does is weaken the bud strenth whats the big deal?


New Member
it is when a plant is both male and female .

it will produce bud and seed .

the seeds normally are hermys or non viable

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
i think you either get seed and no bud or buds and no seed if you have hermie it will pollinate your buds and you get seeds only


Well-Known Member
A hermie is when you get germs on a plant and it sprouts seeds and crystals making it produce smoke that makes you cough and get sick.

I think. I really have no idea at all. I just think I read that or something like that somewhere.

Hope this helps


Active Member
A hermy (Hermaphrodite) is when a male plant gets female pistils on it (no buds) or a female plant gets male pods and pops pollen (or bananas late in flower IN the buds)...

That pollinates not only her (making un-usable hermie seeds) but every plant around... creating a shitload of seeded weed.

That means fluffier, seeded and lower potency buds with less crystal and less taste-
because once pollenated,
the plant stops focusing on making bigger/more buds and puts ALL her energy into ripening the seeds...

Pollinated or Hermied plants=lower yields of crappy seeded weed... why bother? you can buy THAT cheaper on the street than it costs to grow it!


so when i buy weed off this guy a know and it has seeds it it that means it came from a hermie plant and the palnts that you dont let turn hermie is the loudpack or real light green shit if you know what i mean


Well-Known Member
No, it could have come off of any pollinated female. Imagine a field of plants and they miss one male, it would pollinate the fems and generate seeds in the bud. Thus where most bagseed comes from.


ok you said it can be from any pollinated female but isnt a pollinated female the definition of a hermie...? and my big question is,,,when bug has seed in it does that mean it came from a hermie plant?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
its like this imagine people like ur mom and dad they conceived. u normaly im shure.....thats considerd normal pollination .now imagine if ur mom grew some nuts. got drunk and had a one night stand with herself and got pregnant...doesn' t. have to be by herself it could be with another woman that grew nuts...but anyway no males where involved just can she get preggo with no dudes around?one of those girls grew a set and that my friend is a hermie a woman that grew male parts


Well-Known Member
No, a hermie is a female that develops polin sacks. The pollin normally is a boy thing. Pollin = Sperm. Blooming female = egg. Seed = baby. A pollinated female is like a pregnant chick. A hermie can knock herself up. Capiche?


females have the ability, in the absence of any males, and with the right genetic composition, to reproduce asexually. once pollinated, buds stop producing thc and resin and focus on growing the seeds and preparing them for dispersion. your yield will therefore be less potent, the seeds produced carry the hermaphroditic gene, and they a pain to have to sift out :/ :D EDIT: and to answer your questions, a seeded bud can be the result of a hermie or a pollinated female. if there is a male plant, grown from a hermie mother, and it passes hermie gene on to seeds of the female it pollinates, those seeds have hermie potential.


Well-Known Member
Some people hermie plants for the seed,if it hermies from stress the seeds will be all female.

past times

Well-Known Member
what nameno said...And usually when a female goes hermie mid to late in flower, there is not as much pollen released. A male probably has 10k times the number of bananas as a hermie. That Hermie may only have a few clusters of bananas. This means less seeds that are feminized.


ok thanks you guys explained that well a hermie is a female that turns male from most likely stress and whichs means a pollinated fem is completly different but they but in the end are a source of bag seed. which means when i get bagseed it could have come from a hermie or a pollinated fem


Well-Known Member
An interesting topic for sure. Males can also hermie. Though I wonder if it would be a male dominant seed? Not sure if any one has ever found out most kill off males before they have a chance to herm. Might be a worthy science project.