Plz Help. Flowering Prob.


Active Member
Yeah this plant has been flowering for maybe a month.. For some reason the top of the plant is spars, the lower buds are a looking more dense. I dunno what is going on but I have pix. The plant is about 6month old.. It's under a 400watt HPS !2/12 light cycle. If anyone could help me out as to why the top of the plant is looking like it does. Here are a few pix. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
wow 5 months of veg? how tall was it when you put it into flower? It doesn't look bad, but normally the flowers are a bit more developed by a month into flower. Wait and see I say.


Active Member
hi i`m just a newb on here but i would say your probably getting light on the plants during the dark should always check for light leaks in your growroom before growing for stealth and flowering reasons...if you allow light to them during this time they wont know what to do....if i was you i would check for leaks....good luck with rest of grow.......lee


Well-Known Member
yes it appears to be back in veg
to bud you 12 hour of darkness
no light leaks
no turnig lights on in dark time