plz help plz plz


Well-Known Member
can any one help my plants are 5 foot some are 3-4 foot my plants been in flower for 3 week 4 on satday i have a nft system in a growbox tent but my tent is 7 foot so what can i do help plz plz plz!:wall: pic is from last satday!



Well-Known Member
I think you need to re-word you question. I didnt understand what you really wanted to know. Is it a height problem??


Active Member
I think those tops could be tired down about 1-1/2 foot , If not id dig a hole or remove the roof . The worst case id make a new room to finish them off .. Looking good btw


Well-Known Member
if you are in week3/4 then your plants are done stretching and are not gonna get any taller. after about the 2nd to third week they stop growing vertically and start filling out. looks like you got at least a foot from tops to light wich should be fine


Active Member
Get something suitable to tie the top of your plants and just bend the top down and tie it, tape it, nail it any way you can but be careful lol #
It will also let the rest of your plant grow so that it all get equal light Hav a look at LST and see some people Jobs


Well-Known Member
I had the exact same promlem, but due to some good advice I got the problem sorted eearlier today and all is looking well.

I used LST (Low Stress Training). As tecnohippy has just suggested. Basically I just gently tied the main stems over to about a 60 degree angle and also tied some leaves that were blocking bud sites.

This idea works well because not only does it deal with any height issues it also promotes more side growth and bud sites. Which ultimaly leads to a better yeild.

Sorry I can;t give any more advice on the subject. But just do as I did and search the grow FAQ's or google it and you'll find what your looking for.

Happy growing and good luck.

Boistly Boist!!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
nice tec what do you mean tie down ware not cut in tent cost cash any more ideas ?
Do not cut holes in your tent. Since you are in a tent and didn't use a screen to keep the plants short and bushy and now have nothing to tie them down to here's what you can do.

Get anywhere from 4-8 buckets ..... 3 gallon trash cans from walmart are like $2.50 each. Drill several holes (about 1/2" diameter" in the top of each... just under the rim.

Fill them 3/4 of the way full of either water or sand (something to weight them down... but not something that will attract bugs.).

Place the filled buckets on all sides of plants.... run yarn around the top of the plant stalk and back down through the holes in the top of the bucket.

Gently pull the plants down ...... just a little at first, you don't want to break them. Then every couple of days... adjust to pull the plant tops over a bit more. Eventually you should be able to get the plant close to 90 degree bend.

If this doesn't make sense... say so and I'll provide a diagram :)


Well-Known Member
thx ever one fl girl thx can u doa diagram plz fell dumb asking if u can provide it would be cool:lol:;-)