Plz HELP !

Hi i have a crop of white russian and have brown rust spots on every leaf. Its looking pritty bad. I carnt tell if its bad nute burn or deficancy

I carnt get pics up due to using phone. If you need to see pics i can email u them. I really could do with help

There 3 weeks into flower and a good foot or 2 high

I dont do ph and never have with past crops but going to buy ph tester today. Also i have them potted in mirical grow compost and its got chunks init.

I have got bat special medium and was wondering should i put them in that instead?

Email me a blank mail to so i can send pics asap.

Help much appricaited


Well-Known Member
Why not upload pics? Email yourself the pictures and download them. Also spelling wouldn't hurt. *Can't *Pretty for starters
Well like ive said in past posts im using an iphone and it wont let me attatch pics unless im on comp. Plus i dont think my spelling is the help im asking for.
it's probably because you haven't been keeping the PH in check. Or the miracle grow soil is too rich for them? ...just my .02

btw u got my first post!
Hey turtles im stumped cause its looking like nute burn but then again looks like a daficincy and ph probs. I so wish i could put pics up.

No m8 i didnt get ur first post. I thought it could have been the soil so got bat special soil. But ive flushed the lady and dont know if i should repot while ive flushed


Active Member
by bat special soil you mean guano? If so that's more than likely the culprit guano I think is only good for veg period ay?
Aye its bat guano. See ithere in miracle grow at the min but not sure if the soil is to rich as its got huge chunks in it. I was given the bat special soil and not sure weather to swap soil. I feel like a newbie grower as this hasnt happened to me before.