pocket cured/ grease hash

I think you have the answer in the title...just a 'pocket cure'

The heat radiating from your body will make the fm all gooey and pliable...not sure what it accomplishes exactly especially if it's just a 24 hour cure, but it looks cool :hump:
Its in Matt's thread for sure. But i'll save you the digging. Pocket cure is just what it sounds like:

1. Find a suitable sized container that will fit comfortably in your pocket
2. Put your IWE concentrate inside
3. Carry it around all day in your pocket (or until the concentrate gobs up into one mass)
4. Dab, DAb, DAB!

The about 100 degree temp is great because it melds the concentrate gently without destroying much of its potency and flavors.
Its in Matt's thread for sure. But i'll save you the digging. Pocket cure is just what it sounds like:

1. Find a suitable sized container that will fit comfortably in your pocket
2. Put your IWE concentrate inside
3. Carry it around all day (or until the concentrate gobs up into one mass)
4. Dab, DAb, DAB!

The about 100 degree temp is great because it melds the concentrate gently without destroying much of its potency and flavors.

Wouldnt it just work if you put it in your grow room under the lights. Just saaying it sounds easier than having to carry it in your pocket all day
Pocket cure is great because it is very gentle heat (body temp+) and completely dark. Where I live its pretty warm most of the year so it takes an hour or a walk around the block etc. But its all strain and extract dependent.
Your growroom would be a bit cool and way too bright IMO. Light and heat degrade your product. It may work in an opaque container up high where its hotter? However, really pure and/or certain strains will 'cure' into globs on its own at room temps IME. Potency is lost after 6 months age, someday I'll make enough to last that long!