Point of life, suicide?


Well-Known Member
First off I'm not trying to gain attention I actually want something to live for. I have like an alternate personality that kinda doubts religion so if religion is wrong what is the point of life? I see no point in it we are all gonna die we are all gonna lose all of our memories so why live why the fuck don't we just kill ourselves? Please give me a reason to live because I'm probably too much of a pussy to pull the trigger anyway but I don't want to live for nothing. Maybe it's just that I have to face the fact that we are nothing, and I'm kinda facing that fact which is what is making me depressed. Sorry for being a little pussy but yeah I want a reason to live.


Well-Known Member
are you asking for an online forum based suicide intervention?!?! is this serious, if it is check into your local puzzle factory (mental institution) they will help you out :) honestly living is a choice you can believe or not believe what you want. regardless of your beliefs life is usually fun if you make it that way. dying sounds boring the end.


Well-Known Member
yup nuthin matters and life fuckin sux you gotta accept it and learn to live with it
Hey bro why are you still alive?
Why are any of you alive? is what I'm trying to ask I guess.
I mean if you can answer that then that's a good enough reason for me to live.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro why are you still alive?
Why are any of you alive? is what I'm trying to ask I guess.
I mean if you can answer that then that's a good enough reason for me to live.
if you want my honest answer. i am alive because i am not a pussy and dont give up on shit including life. you live because you want to, and because there is a reason for your life. you might not know it yet, but eventually it will be clear. nobody can tell u why to live or die it is a self made choice.


Active Member
its one of those things that depends on the person.

there was this documentary type show documenting this life of a married couple with an addiction. they ended up losing everything they had for the addiction. they ended up getting sober, one of the aids for that was being homeless. the wife was having trouble getting room in shelters because for women they were all full and packed every night so she slept on the streets. the fifth night of having no where to sleep she killed herself. the husband broken over this.

when realizing the pain thats out there, its understandable why people do it. why i plan to do it a lot of the time myself. its like hope to an end of whatever your going through, in my opinion more likely those that would be plagued with something for the rest of their life. a temporary pain would seem foolish to want to die over when the passing would be near.


New Member
I know people will probably give me all kinds of shit for this but just get a New Testement king james bible or better yet a youngs literal and read the book of matthew and then perhaps hebrews. Meditate on it. Explore and understand The other old religions. Consider the cosmos.
Pain and suffering and mental torment seem very real in the here and now but it is all just static, Personally I have found river fishing to be a very good form of meditation, allow the currents and eddies of nature wash away the refuse heaped upon your mind.
Once you have seen the beauty and perfection in nature in contrast to the hidious reality of this world, but in the light of a loving creator you will be better equipped to understand your place in reality. Center your energy and try to live a good life.
This world is unarguably a huge bummer, but it is a training center for the world to come and all these evil dickholes that control this world wont be around anymore.
Seek and you will find the answers


Well-Known Member
if you want my honest answer. i am alive because i am not a pussy and dont give up on shit including life. you live because you want to, and because there is a reason for your life. you might not know it yet, but eventually it will be clear. nobody can tell u why to live or die it is a self made choice.
Why is someone a pussy for killing themselves? For some reason I don't like the fact that it's my choice to kill myself, I can't really explain it.


Well-Known Member
Why is someone a pussy for killing themselves? For some reason I don't like the fact that it's my choice to kill myself, I can't really explain it.
its ur life u can do w/e you want. if u wanna live then do it if u wanna die thats also your choice. that is part of being an adult is making decisions that effect you. a person is a pussy because they cant deal with the issues they have, and instead of trying tofix them they give up and kill themselves.


Well-Known Member
well if you end you life make sure to have someone there to record it and post it on roll it up LOLLOLOL LOL
Why would I post my death on RIU? If I killed myself it would purely be out of believing life is pointless so what would be the point of posting it here? Don't answer that there is no point, ha.


Well-Known Member
its ur life u can do w/e you want. if u wanna live then do it if u wanna die thats also your choice. that is part of being an adult is making decisions that effect you. a person is a pussy because they cant deal with the issues they have, and instead of trying tofix them they give up and kill themselves.
I have no problems with life I actually have a great pointless life. But that is the thing if I can find even one point then that is enough for me to live life and be the happiest man that ever lived a meaningful life.


Well-Known Member
I have no problems with life I actually have a great pointless life. But that is the thing if I can find even one point then that is enough for me to live life and be the happiest man that ever lived a meaningful life.
go get a dog i have my puppy he keeps me happy even when im depressed idk man lol u seem determined to kill urself i dont know what else to tell u


Well-Known Member
go get a dog i have my puppy he keeps me happy even when im depressed idk man lol u seem determined to kill urself i dont know what else to tell u
Oh man don't give up on me bro, ha. I really am not set on killing myself. I'm only 18 and have slot to learn so I'm gonna give it at least 5 years to think about the point of life. But I don't want to wait until like the last week and then start thinking about the point of life. But thanks bro you tried.


Well-Known Member
Oh man don't give up on me bro, ha. I really am not set on killing myself. I'm only 18 and have slot to learn so I'm gonna give it at least 5 years to think about the point of life. But I don't want to wait until like the last week and then start thinking about the point of life. But thanks bro you tried.
lol trust me that is the most effort i put into a suicide negotiation ever normally when my friends talk crazy like that i just sock them in the face knock sense into them. works well :) tough love i got the same when my ex fiance fucked me over so fuck it go get a friend to punch u good in the face might work


Well-Known Member
lol trust me that is the most effort i put into a suicide negotiation ever normally when my friends talk crazy like that i just sock them in the face knock sense into them. works well :) tough love i got the same when my ex fiance fucked me over so fuck it go get a friend to punch u good in the face might work
Honestly I just rinsed my face right now and thought about life and I'm leaning towards living or at least giving it 8 years. Nice way to knock some sense into them bro, ha. Peace and thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Hep, once you're dead you're gone forever, so why not enjoy your short time here? All of the atheists and human secularists I know lead rich and fulfilling lives. What is the point and meaning of life? Whatever meaning you give it. What do you love to do? Who do you love? There are many small pleasures in life: I choose to surround myself with good friends and conversation, good food, great weed, great music and art, great sex, and I LOVE growing weed. Wanting to kill yourself because you won't last forever is like not loving someone (or doing anything worthwhile) because the relationship won't last forever, or not attending a killer party because it won't last forever. Seems silly. I hope I'm remembering this correctly: A theist at a conference asked Ricard Dawkins what he had to look forward to if there is no afterlife, to which he replied, 'I'm looking forward to a good lunch...' Later he wrote 'and it was good, too...'