
The question is WHY they think you owe them money. The question is also WHAT basis they confiscated your legally won winnings. If they don't have the reason you can take them to court. What, you think you are at risk of a Mcdonalds for instance mis selling you a product or whatever and you have no legal recourse, because they are too 'big'? If stars have no reason for what they done they have acted against THEIR terms and conditions, you are therefore entitled to sue them. But it sounds like your hiding something, or not mentioning something. Stars don't just accuse you of owing them money for no reason. They have high stakes players playing for millions every day, they have billions of player funds. They don't care about 1500
Seems crazy to assume that a multi million $ buisness would rob you of a measly $1500, there credibility would die overnight. All you would have to do is go into your deposit history to prove you made a (successful) deposit of $?, then take that information to another poker site and pokerstars integrity would crash and burn, any other site would pay a small fortune if you could prove this. They would line up to damage the intergrity of stars, which is why it seems so far fetched, im not saying it didnt happen im just asking why??
Suing stars is also a no brainer ..-internet gaming laws bongsmilie and gibraltar not being subject to all EU law, "forget about it" :bigjoint:
I agree, it does seem crazy. Especially because I was on alot. I mean often 60-70hrs a week. or more I made them a fuktonne of money in rake alone.

The question is WHY they think you owe them money. The question is also WHAT basis they confiscated your legally won winnings. If they don't have the reason you can take them to court. What, you think you are at risk of a Mcdonalds for instance mis selling you a product or whatever and you have no legal recourse, because they are too 'big'? If stars have no reason for what they done they have acted against THEIR terms and conditions, you are therefore entitled to sue them. But it sounds like your hiding something, or not mentioning something. Stars don't just accuse you of owing them money for no reason. They have high stakes players playing for millions every day, they have billions of player funds. They don't care about 1500

why is because they said that a bank transfer didn't go in like three weeks before they stole my money. I proved it did but they still kept the money. It was really fucked up because everytime i would email them they kept coming back with a different number of how much never got deposited. It started off at 500 and they ended up telling me I only owed them 100. If that doesn't scream shady I don't know what does. We traded emails back and forth for close to two months Finally got fed up and played at full tilt exclusively. Sucked too cuz I really liked Ps.
that's fucked up dude. I don't think any poker sites can be 100% trusted tbh. And I know a lot of players laugh at this but I myself WOULDN'T be surprised if it really was rigged.

Why would they rig it? you ask, Well, If you keep losing money, you keep making deposits, you keep pumping more into the site which will eventually be raked off in rake and tourney fees. They clearly do have the motive to rig the games. If the bad players ALWAYS lost they would realise how bad they are a whole lot quicker and just give up , and if the best players ALWAYS won then they would have large amounts of their bankroll not making any rake for the site and GASP maybe even withdrawn!

But what if there was an algorithm that provided the losers with just enough wins to stay interested and the winners with just enough losses to stop them ever fulfilling their potential, save for maybe winning the sunday million.

I have had the suspicion for years, I was obsessive and I mean borderline mentally ill with obsession with poker for a long time. Used to spend all my time playing and thinking about theory and strategy. Got to the point I would be winning low stakes mtts on a regular basis, decided to withdraw about 3K in winnings 1 time as I was hard up fr money and BOOM, it was like a switch had been turned off in my run good department. I still suffer from horrific bad luck, outdraws ,lost coin flips you name it.

I have now all but given up on making it. Though I still play now and then for fun, until it all ends in the predictable , get it in with aces pre ,lose to 56 suited.