Police / Dea Ip Tracking??


Well-Known Member
I highly dought that they would start to bust us all because we grow for personal use and even if they wanted to bust us they can't because of the limited money factor


Well-Known Member
if your worried just dont post grow journals. mind i find they very helpful from time to time but i would never actually make one. like a previous poster said the governement wont catch a small (personal under 2LB yealds) the local authorities will. keep your mouth shut and be stupid and you will be fine

btw if they really wanted to track you proxcies ect wont hide you.


Well-Known Member
LOL... 100 plant grow??? Hell I'm having enough trouble keeping 5 alive.... (it was 6 ... but one just fucking died on me!)
damn sorry to hear that, I'll see how bad I'm gonna do cuz I'm just starting to grow ha ha ha... I won't be surprised if I lost most of them


Well-Known Member
if your worried just dont post grow journals. mind i find they very helpful from time to time but i would never actually make one. like a previous poster said the governement wont catch a small (personal under 2LB yealds) the local authorities will. keep your mouth shut and be stupid and you will be fine

btw if they really wanted to track you proxcies ect wont hide you.
yea , don't go telling people where you live cuz that's gonna get you busted easer


Well-Known Member
alot of times people being socially awkward will bring up their grow operation to spur conversation. this is the number 1 reason why people get cought. talk about anything but cultivation pot.


Well-Known Member
alot of times people being socially awkward will bring up their grow operation to spur conversation. this is the number 1 reason why people get cought. talk about anything but cultivation pot.
pot? I thought they were mint trees =S


Well-Known Member
i dont even grow weed. everything i say is a lie. Im a pathological liar!! I just really want to be cool on the internet. seems to be working okay. the internet makes me feel great about myself on a daily basis! ROFL.


Well-Known Member
I highly dought that they would start to bust us all because we grow for personal use and even if they wanted to bust us they can't because of the limited money factor
Busting people is a huge money maker in america.
It's a win win, they make money and take any right you have to vote or own a gun away. What do you think, they wont build more prisons? Hire more cops? more judges? more lawyers?


Well-Known Member
Busting people is a huge money maker in america.
It's a win win, they make money and take any right you have to vote or own a gun away. What do you think, they wont build more prisons? Hire more cops? more judges? more lawyers?
well I'm not fom the US so not very many people get busted here


Well-Known Member
Busting people is a huge money maker in america.
It's a win win, they make money and take any right you have to vote or own a gun away. What do you think, they wont build more prisons? Hire more cops? more judges? more lawyers?
Someone gets pulled over in their car, the cop finds some weed, and they get busted.

^ That might be a money maker type bust for the powers that be. And I'm sure there are plenty of other scenarios that might fall into the same category.

But tracking down closet growers from Internet forums? Come on. Identifying subjects, collecting evidence, obtaining warrants, executing those warrants, making arrests, storing physical evidence, holding court hearings, and all the other things....

How does that make money for the powers that be? That is going to cost a helluva lot more than will ever be recouped in fines or other collected resource. Which is probably why it's not currently happening. It just doesn't make sense to pursue small-time unlawful activity by starting with posts in an Internet forum.

Now, if you've got a major commercial operation and are bragging about your op all over the Internet--that might be different. Or if you're dealing in the exploitation of children or some other crime more serious than marijuana. The public isn't going to be outraged by tax dollars spent tracking down child porn on the Internet. But Joe Public growing a couple oz of weed in their closet? A major shift in the American public's attitude towards marijuana will have to take place before district attorneys and police chiefs start creating "Internet Closet Grow Crackdown Task Force" operations.
