Police Forums


Well-Known Member
a friend sent me a link that i've been reading and it really makes me wonder what goes through ones head that they want to become leo. anyway i thought some of you might like the link so you could see how most of these flat dicks think.:peace:



Well-Known Member
A very nice read with pigs points of view on Terry searches in that forum. A terry search is a pat down. I'll copy/paste it later...


Well-Known Member
wow i just read a couple of random posts from that and they are complete dickheads. i fucking hate cops...


Well-Known Member
that link should be removed... imo.

this thread alone will bump up the police forum rankings, and some of them will then find this place and read what you've said. I would never visit that site, certainly not from a link followed from here. anyone clicking that link is playing a dangerous game imo.


Well-Known Member
so there going to arrest me now cause i called them dickheads online? i dont think so. they have enough people on that forum giving them shit. if people could get busted from this website there would be no rollitup we all would be busted. dont be so paranoid.


Well-Known Member
so there going to arrest me now cause i called them dickheads online? i dont think so. they have enough people on that forum giving them shit. if people could get busted from this website there would be no rollitup we all would be busted. dont be so paranoid.
I'm far from paranoid... i just understand a little bit about how the web works. if you follow that link, the admin of the police site will be able to get your IP and look at your house on google earth. who knows... you might even be waving out of the window.


Well-Known Member
thats cool but im still not worried about it. i dont think the police run checks on ip address of everyone who visits their website and looks their house up on google. i wont be going back to that website i just wanted to see what kind of shit they sit and bullshit about. i hope their not watching me now..


Well-Known Member
thats cool but im still not worried about it. i dont think the police run checks on ip address of everyone who visits their website and looks their house up on google. i wont be going back to that website i just wanted to see what kind of shit they sit and bullshit about. i hope their not watching me now..

Not of everyone that hits the site... just the ones that follow that link from here. that specific link... will give him all the info he needs of anybody clicking it.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I've thought about becoming a LEO. They are not all bad, but many are misguided about herb. A lot of the work they do is beneficial for their communities. I also have a deep respect for the bill of rights, and wouldn't search someone illegally. Not everything police do is about hurting people, some actually take the job to help people. A lot of cops are hot-heads who just want to beat someone up, but i honestly think thats a small portion.

Plus, with all the douche bag cops out there, that profession could use some more compassionate people like me.

It just depends on where you are. I would only do it in a place like Denver, where pot is pretty much not a police issue.


Well-Known Member
i'm not a cop or am i following any of you around by looking at your ip. just thought people could get an idea of how the leo thinks by reading their post. if you don't trust my link google one up for yourself.


Well-Known Member
i'm not a cop or am i following any of you around by looking at your ip. just thought people could get an idea of how the leo thinks by reading their post. if you don't trust my link google one up for yourself.
that would be better than following that link. even google stats which is free will give the admin of that site the info of everybody clicking that link from this site. that link should not be on this site.


Well-Known Member
that link should be removed... imo.

this thread alone will bump up the police forum rankings, and some of them will then find this place and read what you've said. I would never visit that site, certainly not from a link followed from here. anyone clicking that link is playing a dangerous game imo.

A dangerous game if you are doing something wrong, god if feels sooo good to be legal..JR


Well-Known Member
the only people interested in who accesses a site from a link are sponsors.

normal drug squads are full of very .... let's say mis-informed cops.

and no, cops are not dickheads, they are MIS-INFORMED.

in the academy they're filled with inflated statistics about the dangers of alcohol, drinking, drugs, and every single other thing they can use to take you're freedom.

after a year or two of continually hearing the same bullshit regurgurated over and over and over and over and over, they eventually start believing it.

there's a cop on that other site that proudly states that he always 'manipulates' things inside the pocket, he knows it's unconstitutional, and he knows the search won't lead to a conviction. he has peace of mind that he violated a fellow american's rights, but that doesn't matter, because he got to take their dope, the dope that is super bad, like he was taught in the academy.:roll::roll:


Well-Known Member
I don't think all cops are dickheads. But a lot of them are. They are supposed to serve and protect not to bully you and talk to you like your retarded. They never use common sense for a situation they are like robots I understand what they do is important and that most people they deal with are in fact retards but that doesn't mean they have to act like their not even human
Anyways I'm not a career criminal or anything the only thing I do against the law is smoke weed so I don't really mind cops. So I take that back they are not all dickheads and I bet off duty their alright people... Just make me uncomfortable sometimes I feel like I'm doing somethin wrong when I'm around them even if I'm not. I'm just rambling now sorry guys..


Well-Known Member
I don't think all cops are dickheads. But a lot of them are. They are supposed to serve and protect not to bully you and talk to you like your retarded. They never use common sense for a situation they are like robots I understand what they do is important and that most people they deal with are in fact retards but that doesn't mean they have to act like their not even human
Anyways I'm not a career criminal or anything the only thing I do against the law is smoke weed so I don't really mind cops. So I take that back they are not all dickheads and I bet off duty their alright people... Just make me uncomfortable sometimes I feel like I'm doing somethin wrong when I'm around them even if I'm not. I'm just rambling now sorry guys..

let a cop follow you around for 10 minutes and he'll point out 1000 different infractions that he can use to initiate an encounter. don't ever think justice or what's right, correct, just, etc. goes first.

what goes first is whether or not they can prove somebody somewhere did something illegal, PERIOD. even if you didn't do anything, if theres proof you might have, that's good enough for an arrest, and if you're unlucky enough, a conviction.......

they cannot get promoted if they don't arrest people. they cannot get promoted if they dont throw people in jail. and they sure as shit cant get promoted if their record shows only clear cut convictions. A police officer is considered good when he gets a lot of convictions, and when a lot of those convictions are "hard cases", cases with little, questionable or no proof (confession).


Active Member
Wouldn't it be better to respect them by not calling them names whether it is on their forum or not?

They are humans doing a job. They didn't specifically sign up to "take down those harmful cannabis growers, and be an ass to them"

If you find police to be a problem, take it up with the government... AND BE SMART!



Active Member
That's exactly what I was thinking. Cops don't make the laws, and we pay them to enforce the laws. They can't pick and choose them. Some cops are dicks. Some stoners are dicks. It's just the way of the world.

For those of us that want to see drugs legalized, we can set examples by being responsible users and respectable members of society. Walking around talking about cops like their all pigs is just plain ignorance.


Active Member
yeah it hurts them just as much as it hurts us for someone to call us druggies or addicts.. or in general to label them. I for one have never smelled bacon near an officer, and if I have damn it's time for breakfast then.. haha

And plus cannabis and other plants which are deemed "illegal" by the "law" are very much legal, and have always been, by the land...and to me nature/god have a greater importance than a uniform and a sense of power..