police helicopter infared camera


Well-Known Member
aryt ive had a police holicopter flying over and near by my house ive a 400w in a grow tent is der any chances that they are able to see it???:wall:

am i reading that right? if so your using your grow tent very wrong and yes the police will def see that on Flir


Well-Known Member
then the helicopters uses up alot of petrol and the bloody cops inside the bugger need to get paid alot of pounds just to stop your 400 watt grow, prince charles, LOL
lol, dang who knew id get like 50 likes off a comment i made while buzzed and havin fun,LOL

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Helicopters don't use gas, they use jet fuel. It's MUCH more expensive.
Jet fuel is just Type II Kerosene. It is not that much more expensive then regular gas. Especially when you are buying it by the truck load.

But even then. If you had one 1,000 watt light in your house. they could not tell if that was a heater, hot water tank, a stove or what ever. They are looking for a house that has like 6-10 of these hot spots


Well-Known Member
Jet fuel is just Type II Kerosene. It is not that much more expensive then regular gas. Especially when you are buying it by the truck load.

But even then. If you had one 1,000 watt light in your house. they could not tell if that was a heater, hot water tank, a stove or what ever. They are looking for a house that has like 6-10 of these hot spots
I'm totally with Lord Dangley, weed makes you paranoid dude, 400w is nothing and not a heat signature that will attract unwanted attention, many other household appliances and heating systems spit out similar if not more heat. Chill with the worry, 400w even 600w is nothing, few 1000w and id start to worry a bit, few rooms with 1000w and yer that helicopter above is looking at you!lol! Peace


Well-Known Member
In most cases the cops do not really have to identify the source of the heat blotch. If they were doing general flyovers then yes they would need to be careful about stating on a warrant application affidavit that a heat blotch is a grow lamp, but in most cases they already have a heads up for example from informants that you could be growing (the usual reason growers come to the attention of 5.0 in the first place) so all they need after that is to meet the criteria for the search warrant. A heat blotch on a thermal image of your house would be points toward the threshold for a warrant, the first points being scored by the informant information. Eventually they will have enough acrued points from little bits of nothings including their heat blotch thermal image to be able to con a judge into signing a search warrant. But in most cases its the nark that tipped them in your direction and the real thing to be concerned about, the rest is just bullshit circumstantial crap the cops conjure up to make it look like they have solid evidence of a grow.

Some judges are not so easily convinced by such antics but all the cops need is one that is and they will work that judge everytime they need a warrant without real evidence.


Well-Known Member
It cost £1000 pounds an hour for the pig chopper to be in the air where i live, they dont care about small grows one bit, if they busted someone and used the police helicopter to do a thermal sweep and the guy had a 400w light then it would be the biggest joke going. Pig choppers round here try to avoid small grows, tax payers money means they need to justify it. 400w would be real embarrising for them!lol! We'd all be loving it and ripping the police, local papers and radio would have a field day!lol! Peace


Well-Known Member
probably but helicopters use up alot of gas and cops have to get paid a pretty penny and theres probably atleast 3 guys in that heliciopter so i doubt they want to LOSE money just to stop your 400 watt grow, al capone... LOL
ahahahahahahahaha...lmfao!!!! al capone.....thats the funniest shit ever dude.


Active Member
is it outside? yes,, inside no.. What would it look like to them.. A running Gen.. thats all. not worth a 2nd look unless they were looking for it in your area.


Well-Known Member
Me and my chick make more heat than a poxy 400watt hps when we bonk, gets real hot! Dont have the police helicopter hovering overhead every time she gets horny!lol!