Police Helicopter


Right now i'm terrified my grow op has been spotted by the police,i was moving my grow tent tonight and put it in the corner while i hoovered.Now when i stopped hoovering the helicopter was in full view of the window and hovering a far too close for comfort especially as i had opened the window and the heat from my tent and 400W light was blowing out the window.

The only thing i've got going is the fact they had their spotlight on and seemed to be looking around for someone rather than something,i'm considering hiding my plants outside at night in case my door gets kicked in 1st thing in the morning.

Please someone tell me i'm being paranoid here as my heart is racing and TBH i'm fearing the worst.


You honestly think they will bring out the chopper for your tent grow? Chill man
I was worried it had picked up a heat signature,although would a 400W light be enough to attract the cops attention?
They flew about for 30 minutes and did have the spotlight on and never came really close to my house.


Well-Known Member
"Alright men, this is the big one! We got a 4x4 grow tent operation. That means fully suited, locked n fucking loaded! this shit could get ugly"


Well-Known Member
The oven and grill in your kitchen probably uses more Electrickery and putts out more heat than your bedroom dude :lol: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ROTFLMAO.....Dude you have no heat signature......Get worried when you get over 1000 w/////.....A hot tub puts off more heat than your bulb in a tent.


Well-Known Member
where ya at?-

i'm sure in some parts, raiding apartment s guerrilla style is a big hit.
Yeah man, you're paranoid. If you live in the usa there was a court ruling against the police being able to use Thermal Imaging to obtain search warrants for cannabis raids. So even if they did I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be looking for a 400watt grow OP. They'd be using the search light for fields of that shit, or a massive indoor operation with at least thousands of watts like everyone else is saying. But sometimes you just need that reasurrance that the plant is getting the best of you....

If there wasn't anyone putting the plant down, paranoia wouldn't be a problem! imo

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Just Chill, take a deep breath and listen to reason. 400W is not enough to raise questions, also did the heli have a ball hanging from a teather? if not then they weren't scanning for heat, also i believe they need a warrant for that. so chill, smoke a bowl, and keep a look out for more activity