Police Helicopters[UK]

Right ..last night I had the biggest scare of my life, after having a smoke i settled down in bed, nodding off slightly i'm awakened by the sound of a low flying helicopter, sounded like it was right above my house, I jumped out of bed looked out my window, coudn't see anything. I ran downstairs and looked outside in the back yard bearing in mind its about 1:30am in the morning I see a dark colored helicopter.

behind my house is a church, I'm not sure if the chopper was behind the church or just above the church, but it was LOW and stationary for a few minutes and it had a dark red colored spotlight on the front off the helicopter pointing at my house after a minute orso it flys back over my house slowly then flys off into the distance.

After i settled down again, I see a flashing light outside on the front yard of my house, at the time I thought I was done for, but after looking it was some workmen in high viz jackets and hardhats putting up a sign outside at the front of this church I live next too

Now, I woudn't say i have enough plants to warrant putting a helicopter in the sky, I have about 14plants total, 8 fresh clones that haven't rooted and 6 motherplants all of different strains, I don't think the helicopter was related to the workmen? But what would a helicopter at 1:30am in the morning low flying pointing a dark red colored spotlight at my house be doing? I have no fields near me, no neighbours, I live in a detached house next to a church so theres no doubt that helicopter was aiming at my house.

I tried looking but can't find out what kind of light spectrum is darkred, I think thermal imaging is a green spotlight? I really think its nothing but need reassurance.. If the chopper would of spotted anything, LEO would be banging down my door that night I'm assuming... Thoughts anybody?

EDIT: Checked my police departments aviation unit website, they usually list where there choppers have been and what they've been doing and theres no official record of a police helicopter being over my area although theres a report on there that there was a chopper in the sky about 20miles from where I live that was in the sky around the time I saw it, the reason was: Report of suspicious activity, the result being: Further enquiries by neighbourhood patrols ongoing hmm.


Well-Known Member
Right ..last night I had the biggest scare of my life, after having a smoke i settled down in bed, nodding off slightly i'm awakened by the sound of a low flying helicopter, sounded like it was right above my house, I jumped out of bed looked out my window, coudn't see anything. I ran downstairs and looked outside in the back yard bearing in mind its about 1:30am in the morning I see a dark colored helicopter.

behind my house is a church, I'm not sure if the chopper was behind the church or just above the church, but it was LOW and stationary for a few minutes and it had a dark red colored spotlight on the front off the helicopter pointing at my house after a minute orso it flys back over my house slowly then flys off into the distance.

After i settled down again, I see a flashing light outside on the front yard of my house, at the time I thought I was done for, but after looking it was some workmen in high viz jackets and hardhats putting up a sign outside at the front of this church I live next too

Now, I woudn't say i have enough plants to warrant putting a helicopter in the sky, I have about 14plants total, 8 fresh clones that haven't rooted and 6 motherplants all of different strains, I don't think the helicopter was related to the workmen? But what would a helicopter at 1:30am in the morning low flying pointing a dark red colored spotlight at my house be doing? I have no fields near me, no neighbours, I live in a detached house next to a church so theres no doubt that helicopter was aiming at my house.

I tried looking but can't find out what kind of light spectrum is darkred, I think thermal imaging is a green spotlight? I really think its nothing but need reassurance.. If the chopper would of spotted anything, LEO would be banging down my door that night I'm assuming... Thoughts anybody?

EDIT: Checked my police departments aviation unit website, they usually list where there choppers have been and what they've been doing and theres no official record of a police helicopter being over my area although theres a report on there that there was a chopper in the sky about 20miles from where I live that was in the sky around the time I saw it, the reason was: Report of suspicious activity, the result being: Further enquiries by neighbourhood patrols ongoing hmm.
Thermal imaging doesn't use any spotlight. You can't see it. It's highly unlikely that you were picked up on thermal imaging uless you have a huge op, which you don't, or poor insulation. Thermal imaging is more of a deterrent than a useful tool in finding indoor grows. That said, take the proper precautions. Insulate your grow room. Don't vent hot air to the outside, unless you can disguise it through a chimney, dryer vent or something similar. If you take these simple precautions, the chances of you being spotted on thermal imaging is close to nil. Remember, they cannot see through walls, although they want us to think they can. Be safe and happy growing.:weed:
Thanks for the reassurance Doc, I suspected as much but wasen't sure, nothing happened anyhow I was just curious as to there actions

As for over 8 plants being considered commercial I have no clue , But i'd assume any ammount could be considered commericial if money, baggies and scales are found in the property :P