Police visit over garden can't belive in 2015

I still don't understand what law you broke?

They must have found something to ticket or an admittance of some sort. I'm not saying the cops can't pe wrong as they bullied you to let them in.

Just want to know what you admitted to and or they did find high was ticket able?

You're allowed to grow outdoors if it's locked. It wasn't there to see so they can't get you on it being visible to the public. So then what? You admitted you grew in there
I think this may occurred do to the fact we have the biggest neighborhood block watch in Jeffco so i think they smelled it and someone reported it.
But this isn't the first time cops were here on this block over marijuana.
Back about 2 years ago 3 doors down people were growing and they were the nicest people .
well the block watch caught wind of it and next thing you know they're being threatened with the swat team.
Got to love stay at home conservatives!
Many conservatives smoke and/or grow. I personally relate neighborhood watch groups with liberals. Conservatives take care of themselves. ;)
That sucks you got herassed over two plants in a locked in a green house ............I can see the people growing a shitload out in the open in a neighborhood getting herassed .......I try to be considerate of others. Not everyone enjoys the smell of MJ like we do I get that ........but they need to leave the people growing for no prophet personal use alone .....I guarentee there's someone cooking hard drugs within a few miles of your house that wouldn't be hard to figure out ........but police like to mess with mmj users growers cause they know were peaceful people and there's no danger involved ............further more you must live in a decent neighborhood cause my area turns into skunkville this time of year lol. Good luck sorry you were herassed
I still don't understand what law you broke?

They must have found something to ticket or an admittance of some sort. I'm not saying the cops can't pe wrong as they bullied you to let them in.

Just want to know what you admitted to and or they did find high was ticket able?

You're allowed to grow outdoors if it's locked. It wasn't there to see so they can't get you on it being visible to the public. So then what? You admitted you grew in there

Hi there
After feeling like a criminal for 20 minutes of questions i told them
I had at 1 time 2 plants in my locked greenhouse .
boom there is 2 tickets
1 for growing outdoors and growing outdoor /odor
Hi there
After feeling like a criminal for 20 minutes of questions i told them
I had at 1 time 2 plants in my locked greenhouse .
boom there is 2 tickets
1 for growing outdoors and growing outdoor /odor
Well if it effects you more than the tickets say career and having it on your record then a lawyer could get that shot thrown out pretty damn easily I'd bet.

I'd pay for a lawyer. Remember everything that happened was recorded and maybe video too so that may work for you as long as you don't lie.
Must be a city ordinance about odor?

I live a little south and east of you in Douglas County.
I have some outdoor plants.
My neighbor told me today that they smell like skunk and she has had to close the windows because it "smells so bad.".
That neighbor is anti-freedom on this subject and a few more.

I chuckled and said I think they smell like skittles and paradise mixed with cotton candy and freedom.
We then proceeded to talk for a half hour, during which I recommended smoking weed to find out what this life is meant to be like.

We are both very conservative, retired military folks.
I was a federal agent for over 12 years, retired now.

The best advice posted here that I agree with is keep your fucking mouth shut and if arrested ask for a lawyer - and keep your fucking mouth shut.

If you abide by the law (which means you have to know it) you should not be worried.
If you do not like the law, change it.
Must be a city ordinance about odor?

I live a little south and east of you in Douglas County.
I have some outdoor plants.
My neighbor told me today that they smell like skunk and she has had to close the windows because it "smells so bad.".
That neighbor is anti-freedom on this subject and a few more.

I chuckled and said I think they smell like skittles and paradise mixed with cotton candy and freedom.
We then proceeded to talk for a half hour, during which I recommended smoking weed to find out what this life is meant to be like.

We are both very conservative, retired military folks.
I was a federal agent for over 12 years, retired now.

The best advice posted here that I agree with is keep your fucking mouth shut and if arrested ask for a lawyer - and keep your fucking mouth shut.

If you abide by the law (which means you have to know it) you should not be worried.
If you do not like the law, change it.

Hoo rah. I know a lot of people like you; I'm related to some of them.
Must be a city ordinance about odor?

I live a little south and east of you in Douglas County.
I have some outdoor plants.
My neighbor told me today that they smell like skunk and she has had to close the windows because it "smells so bad.".
That neighbor is anti-freedom on this subject and a few more.

I chuckled and said I think they smell like skittles and paradise mixed with cotton candy and freedom.
We then proceeded to talk for a half hour, during which I recommended smoking weed to find out what this life is meant to be like.

We are both very conservative, retired military folks.
I was a federal agent for over 12 years, retired now.

The best advice posted here that I agree with is keep your fucking mouth shut and if arrested ask for a lawyer - and keep your fucking mouth shut.

If you abide by the law (which means you have to know it) you should not be worried.
If you do not like the law, change it.
Your neighbor was nice enough to tell you nicely they don't like the smell. If it's so strong they have to close their windows to not smell it and you don't care and laugh that's very inconsiderate. Maybe they'll deal with it and not call the police to help control it but reguardless you're giving this community a bad name.

Be considerate of others above all.
Must be a city ordinance about odor?

I live a little south and east of you in Douglas County.
I have some outdoor plants.
My neighbor told me today that they smell like skunk and she has had to close the windows because it "smells so bad.".
That neighbor is anti-freedom on this subject and a few more.

I chuckled and said I think they smell like skittles and paradise mixed with cotton candy and freedom.
We then proceeded to talk for a half hour, during which I recommended smoking weed to find out what this life is meant to be like.

We are both very conservative, retired military folks.
I was a federal agent for over 12 years, retired now.

The best advice posted here that I agree with is keep your fucking mouth shut and if arrested ask for a lawyer - and keep your fucking mouth shut.

If you abide by the law (which means you have to know it) you should not be worried.
If you do not like the law, change it.

The cops would have to drive past a TGS 2 blocks up the road to come hassle me about my shit. If they ever do I'm gonna say it's coming from them, lol.

I know that Denver has an odor ordnance because of that article a while back about the ridiculous device they have for "sniffing out" if the odor is above the limmit. I don't know about any other city/local laws or how they work it but I do know they have like 4 guys for all of Denver that are even trained to use the thing so yea.

Also yea, it gets me so much when people complain about smell or smoke of Cannabis. It's like, have you ever been to Commerce City? It's just a mix of trash, smog, waste, and chemicals with hints of growing weed every warehouse you dive past. Yet you're worried about smelling my plants when the breeze blows that way.

They only complain because it's weed and they have a fucking stick up their butt about it. If it was anything else besides I'm sure burning rubber or piles of garbage, they wouldn't even notice it. I'd like to grow some stinky ass non-cannabis plants all in my yard just as an experiment to see if I can get a ticket for it, lol.

My neighbor fucking has a fire-pit and burns wood all the time that gets sucked into my (finished)basement. It'll illegal to burn anything in your yard yet if I called the cops they would laugh. But if I said he was smoking weed they would go nuts.

I fucking hate it man. For 15 years I felt like a criminal and moving to Colorado liberated me, making me feel free and accepted for the first time in my life. Now here we are 3 years later, cannabis is legal, and I feel like more of a 2nd class citizen than ever.

IMO, legalization(the way it's been done) is destroying things. It only bennifits the big guy and fucks over the little guy and the medical patients that paved the fucking way for it.
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Honestly I wish we had an odor ordinance. It's gets really old having to constantly use air freshener to keep my entire home from smelling like a grow room. I have to run Ona in my swamp cooler it gets so bad. Maybe if some of the growers had more respect for their neighbors it wouldn't be an issue.
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The cops would have to drive past a TGS 2 blocks up the road to come hassle me about my shit. If they ever do I'm gonna say it's coming from them, lol.

I know that Denver has an odor ordnance because of that article a while back about the ridiculous device they have for "sniffing out" if the odor is above the limmit. I don't know about any other city/local laws or how they work it but I do know they have like 4 guys for all of Denver that are even trained to use the thing so yea.

Also yea, it gets me so much when people complain about smell or smoke of Cannabis. It's like, have you ever been to Commerce City? It's just a mix of trash, smog, waste, and chemicals with hints of growing weed every warehouse you dive past. Yet you're worried about smelling my plants when the breeze blows that way.

They only complain because it's weed and they have a fucking stick up their butt about it. If it was anything else besides I'm sure burning rubber or piles of garbage, they wouldn't even notice it. I'd like to grow some stinky ass non-cannabis plants all in my yard just as an experiment to see if I can get a ticket for it, lol.

My neighbor fucking has a fire-pit and burns wood all the time that gets sucked into my (finished)basement. It'll illegal to burn anything in your yard yet if I called the cops they would laugh. But if I said he was smoking weed they would go nuts.

I fucking hate it man. For 15 years I felt like a criminal and moving to Colorado liberated me, making me feel free and accepted for the first time in my life. Now here we are 3 years later, cannabis is legal, and I feel like more of a 2nd class citizen than ever.

IMO, legalization(the way it's been done) is destroying things. It only bennifits the big guy and fucks over the little guy and the medical patients that paved the fucking way for it.

For openers, do as the song says and get the Fuck outta Denver, baby GO!

Seriously, everything that's great about our state is located a convenient distance from Denver. DISTANCE being the operative word, here!

I've lived in Denver for years, in many locales around the metro area. Fuck that place. You want to live free in Colorado, buy some mountain property. People will definitely not be bitching you out about your crops... mostly because they can't smell yours over their own!
First two things the drill sargents taught us in basic was
1 Never admit anything.
2 Never change your story.
Bout the only use full thing they had to say.
Honestly I wish we had an odor ordinance. It's gets really old having to constantly use air freshener to keep my entire home from smelling like a grow room. I have to run Ona in my swamp cooler it gets so bad. Maybe if some of the growers had more respect for their neighbors it wouldn't be an issue.

I'm confused, you do that stuff because the neighbors have a grow? They must have the DANK! lol.

Btw, I run filtered intake and exhaust, even the light exhaust(separate system) has a small filter on it. I stay pretty smell free but the garage does get funky when I have the tent open and in full bloom I did notice some stank leaking out the light exhaust(must have a leak in a hood).

For openers, do as the song says and get the Fuck outta Denver, baby GO!

Seriously, everything that's great about our state is located a convenient distance from Denver. DISTANCE being the operative word, here!

I've lived in Denver for years, in many locales around the metro area. Fuck that place. You want to live free in Colorado, buy some mountain property. People will definitely not be bitching you out about your crops... mostly because they can't smell yours over their own!

Mountains I think are tricky for us. Mom came to live with us 6 months ago and has some health issues. We wouldn't mind being like 30 min away from Denver though. Looking to buy a home this spring, suggestions on locations would be great. We actually live in Aurora currently btw.
I'm confused, you do that stuff because the neighbors have a grow? They must have the DANK! lol.

The same people are running three homes converted to grow houses. They run 15k in lighting per grow house and harvest about 20lbs a month. The smell is near constant and they do not care. Zero carbon filters and everything vented to the outside. All of this under the "protection" of A20.

Im all for growing your own, and smoking as a free person. However many growers have the attitude that because they are legally protected under state laws that somehow gives them a right to force everyone else to just deal with it and shut up. What choice did the neighbors really have in the situation? Its not like they could walk to most growers and say "Hey your plants are stinking up my house, can you move them?". No, we all know that wouldn't work so they used the only real choice available. Im not saying I would call the cops, but I can see how some may believe that is the best option.
Honestly I wish we had an odor ordinance. It's gets really old having to constantly use air freshener to keep my entire home from smelling like a grow room. I have to run Ona in my swamp cooler it gets so bad. Maybe if some of the growers had more respect for their neighbors it wouldn't be an issue.

Fuck that .. I personally love the smell, its a personal preference..perhaps the neighbors should move to the South where they still treat weed like meth or crack.
Fuck that .. I personally love the smell, its a personal preference..perhaps the neighbors should move to the South where they still treat weed like meth or crack.
And it's exactly that attitude that has them cracking down on home growers. If you like the smell so much then fine, stink up your home all you want. All it takes is a filtration system and 99% of these problems wouldn't be an issue.

Perhaps inconsiderate growers should be forced to move to Northern Cali and grow. Nope that wouldn't be right or any more fair to them than forcing people who don't like the smell to move to the south. All it takes is a little common courtesy and everyone would be happy, but the f it attitude and those who think like you only prevent that from happening.
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I'm confused, you do that stuff because the neighbors have a grow? They must have the DANK! lol.

Btw, I run filtered intake and exhaust, even the light exhaust(separate system) has a small filter on it. I stay pretty smell free but the garage does get funky when I have the tent open and in full bloom I did notice some stank leaking out the light exhaust(must have a leak in a hood).

Mountains I think are tricky for us. Mom came to live with us 6 months ago and has some health issues. We wouldn't mind being like 30 min away from Denver though. Looking to buy a home this spring, suggestions on locations would be great. We actually live in Aurora currently btw.

Saudi Aurora and their cowboy cops- that explains everything. I do not know why the fuck Aurora PD has a stick up their ass about weed but they've been really bad to the point of corrupt about the whole legalization and patient/citizen/property rights thing.

I have the means to live anywhere I want- and the gall to go do it if I chose. I'm in Ft Collins because it really is that nice of a place to live. Not perfect... but nice. Very nice. Health care is first class up this way, too. New hospitals. Strong geriatrics departments throughout the northern front range.
Growing outdoors in Jeffco is akin to swimming with sharks. You might be ok for a little while but you will eventually get bit.

Growing indoors in Jeffco is still no problem.