Police were just here omg


dont be a fucking douche, oh wait too late. you right wing fucks love to point out "public services" since when does getting shot on the ground, unarmed, in the back, while held down, qualify as "human" or "doing your job"?
fuck the police, im not saying individual police im saying that whole fucking idea and "justice" system dont tell me they are "doing their jobs" just wait till they turn their back on you! they give a fuck about you cop or criminal. yeah if your a pig they might keep you out of jail, but they will be just as fast to take your retirement. you want justice? join the military, at least where they send you its kill or be killed.
Chill pal, smoke some heavy indica and get some rest. You also might want to pick up a dictionary or one of those "Learn a word a day" books to improve your vocabulary beyond explicatives.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a great poker face practicing opportunity :|

If (I should really say "when" cause it wouldn't be the first time) the cops knock on my door, I let them in, offer them a seat on my Chesterfields, put on my evil mastermind smirk and ask what I can do for the gentlemen while I'm petting my cat. When they leave I wish them luck catching those fire hazard hippies :mrgreen:

Slightly different laws here - though raiding mj grows is cops' top activity - but they basically can easily get an entry warrant anyway so refusing them entry will only set off alarm bells and lead to a search warrant that would otherwise be hard to get. I don't have to open rooms/closets and if they do that with only an entry warrant they can no longer prosecute me. The main anti-growers propaganda being spread here by the government and police is that growing mj creates a major fire hazard, and when they suspect that is the case they can easily get a warrant.

The trick that works for me when dealing with cops (they pull me over even when I suit up, must be the evil mastermind smirk :lol:) is to ask myself how would someone who doesn't have anything to hide respond. And that usually doesn't include asking for a warrant.


I just want to make sure everyone knows I am debating, and not arguing. I agree with everyone's points, and in the end, I do not particuallrly like the cops. BUT I try not to judge everyone because they have or do something specific. I feel like that is sterotyping. It's the same as all those people who oppose weed. They do not see this forum, how many intelligent people are on here, and much is debated and learned from a collection of people. Some would call this a community. They would just call us stoners, and that instantly makes us hippies and tree huggers with asian eyes bloodshot to hell. I find that annoying. I hate it when people who don't smoke weed, find out I do, and suddenly change their perseption of me. Same thing with cops. Your a cop? Oh? well let me just change how I was treating you because your a cop and now I don't like you. Hopefully that makes sense lol I'm a bit high.


Active Member
Move to a state where it's legal.

My neighbor came over one day and unexpectedly had a seizure ( epileptic ).

Fire department and cops show up ...

Didn't even think about closing the door, was too worried about my neighbor swallowing his tongue.

Next thing I know a cop is standing in the doorway of my grow room. He could see my plants !

Guess what happened ?


He just looks at me..mouths " Red Card ? " I nod reaching for my ID. He just waves it off and leaves.

I live in a town where it smells like weed everywhere...not to mention all that orange / red lights peeking out everyone's windows.

If you want to grow weed with peace of mind...move to somewhere it's legal.
Move to a state where it's legal.

My neighbor came over one day and unexpectedly had a seizure ( epileptic ).

Fire department and cops show up ...

Didn't even think about closing the door, was too worried about my neighbor swallowing his tongue.

Next thing I know a cop is standing in the doorway of my grow room. He could see my plants !

Guess what happened ?


He just looks at me..mouths " Red Card ? " I nod reaching for my ID. He just waves it off and leaves.

I live in a town where it smells like weed everywhere...not to mention all that orange / red lights peeking out everyone's windows.

If you want to grow weed with peace of mind...move to somewhere it's legal.
Thankfully there are more and more places where this applies, and I am so grateful for it! I grew up with parents who, when they found out that their teenage sons were smoking that 'devil weed' responded with anger and violence. Now 15 years later they fully support my medicinal use and cultivation of this amazing plant. The re-education of people about cannabis is spreading and fast. As far as keeping your cool goes dude, ever heard of poker?
The main anti-growers propaganda being spread here by the government and police is that growing mj creates a major fire hazard
Billed a licensed master electrician to assist with my room set-up. I realize this isn't an option for everyone as not everyone has one they trust, but just mentioning another way that you can get the result OGREB got. My card, med-eval, and receipts for the work are all posted on the wall in the room so if you see one, the rest are right in front of you.