Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


Well-Known Member
Utility monopolies have a greater effect than most of the issues this therad touches. Nobody ever talks about local politics (which are ubiquitous but still local) and how your electric company is in bed with your city council to limit the number of solar panels on your roof.
Screen Shot 2019-06-28 at 8.03.34 PM.png


Well-Known Member
Fish supply the greatest percentage of the worlds protein that humans consume. The oceans fish stocks are crashing and the oceans are becoming more acidic. Ocean die offs and over fishing along with crop failures from climate change will leave billions starving, not a pretty picture of whats coming.
i just cant fathom the lack of alarm, an i mean on a global scale that the oceans are becoming toxic at an accelerated pace.
most people probably believe it is a problem that'll eventually fix itself...
doubt either of you are vegan, complaining about the environment and climate change


Well-Known Member
July 4 is a celebration of the victory of the Union over Confederate terrorist slavers and sex traffickers at Gettysburg.

The cartoon contaminates the honor of 365 thousand Union war dead by mixing the rebel dead with them. Union is paid in full.

The South's 290,000 dead, like their Confederate currency has no value as they were fighting to for the worst of all causes. Their bill is yet to be paid. With interest due to vile treatment of black people for more than a hundred years after the signing of the deal Lee made with Grant at Appomattox Courthouse.

The right's obsession with Cortez is adorable.
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