The condom your men use before making you squeal like a pigIt is funny how hard Trump cultists are trying to sell a freshman congress member (who happens to be a young educated woman of color from a district that is highly unlikely many of them vote in) as the face of the Democratic party when a old white guy just overwhelmingly won the presidential nomination.
You’re hiding behind the screen on an internet marijuana grow website calling the mayor of CHICAGO a failure? Oh my that’s rich.
Fighting real quotes with your own, made-up fantasies.
Huh?The condom your men use before making you squeal like a pig
tfThe condom your men use before making you squeal like a pig
The condom your men use before making you squeal like a pig
hundreds of rural white men die every day from gun violence too but you dont care about them.
You can spell mural, alright.
Go back to sucking off domestic farm animals. You’re woefully underarmed to try to engage me in a battle of wits, dickhead. You and that other goo gobbler I was replying to.
He's obviously projectingIt is picture of a sticker dumb-ass.
father manure's latent desires slip through in this closeted, juvenile word shit.The condom your men use before making you squeal like a pig
Antifa at it's best.