his daughter wouldn't have boarded the plane without a passport, she would have gotten through TSA either..i guess they're playing to the FOX audience who never fly and can be conned further by the GOP.hannity is now saying that he just went on the plane to give his daughter her passport and it took off before he could get off. he got back as fast as he could to deal with the democratic infrastructure false flag.
spineless fvcker

what happens when you have groups of people that don't have channels and wifi..only a twitter and FB app.
no worries AOC will raise money for them so they know what's really going on in this world..the Civil Rights secceeded because it was brought into american homes..did they know that the hangings were happening? yes but it wasn't until it was brough into the sanctity of their living rooms (safe space) that americans were up in arms about.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh, Socialism!
if everyone had access then they might get ideas..become an independent thinker..leave.
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