Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


Well-Known Member
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lmao though for real when I started looking for Durham memes the amount of Qanon propaganda spam is amazing. You all must really be desperate to hold on to anything you can to keep the cult going if you think that this guy is going to get something when he keeps getting laughed at with his couple indictments after Mueller cleaned up about what 20 Trump's cronies and you have to pretend like nothing came out of the Mueller investigation, but this guy who has a couple dubious last minute indictments that have gone nowhere.




Well-Known Member
Well you see hanimal, Durham is a stupid dickhead. Just look at that face. You can tell that fucker berates the McDonald's counter person for not being able tell him how many calories are in his Mcflurry. Just one of those assholes. For some in our country, that makes him a God like messiah, or more likely they associate being a dick as someone with power and authority.

Somebody has to yell at the girl at the olive garden who made cleetus feel dumb because he had never seen a pepper grinder and told her to stop sprinkling dirt on his greens. Uncle Durham is that guy for these people.


Well-Known Member
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View attachment 5108752

lmao though for real when I started looking for Durham memes the amount of Qanon propaganda spam is amazing. You all must really be desperate to hold on to anything you can to keep the cult going if you think that this guy is going to get something when he keeps getting laughed at with his couple indictments after Mueller cleaned up about what 20 Trump's cronies and you have to pretend like nothing came out of the Mueller investigation, but this guy who has a couple dubious last minute indictments that have gone nowhere.



Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
do you even understand what this is about? have you read any of the links you post?
Sussman provided a tip to the FBI that trump may have had a covert way of communicating with the russians...Durham hasn't said that that was a lie. NO ONE has said that that was a lie...the lie he supposedly told was that he wasn't doing this as a representative of anyone, while he was in fact working for the Clinton campaign, an unnamed tech executive, and an internet company...
which is not a crime, they have NEVER prosecuted an attorney for doing that, only if the TIP IS A LIE...and no one is saying that...

Sussmann was charged last year with lying to the FBI during a conversation with then FBI general counsel James Baker in 2016. Durham's indictment said that Sussmann "lied about the capacity in which he was providing" allegations to the FBI about what he claimed was a "secret communications channel" between the Trump Organization and Russia's Alfa Bank.
The indictment said Sussmann met with Baker in September 2016, as the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign's links to Russia, and turned over documents and data that he said he believed contained evidence of a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank. The bureau has not uncovered evidence of such a connection.
The indictment said Sussmann lied to the FBI when he told Baker he wasn't working on behalf of any client. In fact, the indictment said, Sussmann was acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign, an unnamed tech executive, and an internet company.
Sussmann's motion to dismiss on Thursday said that in the past, those who have been charged in connection to providing tips to the government have been prosecuted for lying to the FBI "only where the tip itself was alleged to be false, because that is the only statement that could affect the specific decision to commence an investigation."
When Sussmann met with Baker in September 2016, the filing said, he went "to provide a tip."
"There is no allegation in the Indictment that the tip he provided was false. And there is no allegation that he believed that the tip he provided was false," it continued.
"Rather, Mr. Sussmann has been charged with making a false statement about an entirely ancillary matter—about who his client may have been when he met with the FBI—which is a fact that even the Special Counsel's own Indictment fails to allege had any effect on the FBI's decision to open an investigation," the filing said.

sorry for all the reading, i know it's hard....but Sussmann didn't do anything wrong, he didn't tell them something that has never mattered, ever before...only durham thinks it matters, and trumptard fucking idiots

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
do you even understand what this is about? have you read any of the links you post?
Sussman provided a tip to the FBI that trump may have had a covert way of communicating with the russians...Durham hasn't said that that was a lie. NO ONE has said that that was a lie...the lie he supposedly told was that he wasn't doing this as a representative of anyone, while he was in fact working for the Clinton campaign, an unnamed tech executive, and an internet company...
which is not a crime, they have NEVER prosecuted an attorney for doing that, only if the TIP IS A LIE...and no one is saying that...

Sussmann was charged last year with lying to the FBI during a conversation with then FBI general counsel James Baker in 2016. Durham's indictment said that Sussmann "lied about the capacity in which he was providing" allegations to the FBI about what he claimed was a "secret communications channel" between the Trump Organization and Russia's Alfa Bank.
The indictment said Sussmann met with Baker in September 2016, as the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign's links to Russia, and turned over documents and data that he said he believed contained evidence of a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank. The bureau has not uncovered evidence of such a connection.
The indictment said Sussmann lied to the FBI when he told Baker he wasn't working on behalf of any client. In fact, the indictment said, Sussmann was acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign, an unnamed tech executive, and an internet company.
Sussmann's motion to dismiss on Thursday said that in the past, those who have been charged in connection to providing tips to the government have been prosecuted for lying to the FBI "only where the tip itself was alleged to be false, because that is the only statement that could affect the specific decision to commence an investigation."
When Sussmann met with Baker in September 2016, the filing said, he went "to provide a tip."
"There is no allegation in the Indictment that the tip he provided was false. And there is no allegation that he believed that the tip he provided was false," it continued.
"Rather, Mr. Sussmann has been charged with making a false statement about an entirely ancillary matter—about who his client may have been when he met with the FBI—which is a fact that even the Special Counsel's own Indictment fails to allege had any effect on the FBI's decision to open an investigation," the filing said.

sorry for all the reading, i know it's hard....but Sussmann didn't do anything wrong, he didn't tell them something that has never mattered, ever before...only durham thinks it matters, and trumptard fucking idiots
as defined by the Urban dictionary
Aternative facts
Lies or made up facts when the truth or facts make 'The Donald' or 'Team Trump' look negative


Well-Known Member
do you even understand what this is about? have you read any of the links you post?
Sussman provided a tip to the FBI that trump may have had a covert way of communicating with the russians...Durham hasn't said that that was a lie. NO ONE has said that that was a lie...the lie he supposedly told was that he wasn't doing this as a representative of anyone, while he was in fact working for the Clinton campaign, an unnamed tech executive, and an internet company...
which is not a crime, they have NEVER prosecuted an attorney for doing that, only if the TIP IS A LIE...and no one is saying that...

Sussmann was charged last year with lying to the FBI during a conversation with then FBI general counsel James Baker in 2016. Durham's indictment said that Sussmann "lied about the capacity in which he was providing" allegations to the FBI about what he claimed was a "secret communications channel" between the Trump Organization and Russia's Alfa Bank.
The indictment said Sussmann met with Baker in September 2016, as the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign's links to Russia, and turned over documents and data that he said he believed contained evidence of a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank. The bureau has not uncovered evidence of such a connection.
The indictment said Sussmann lied to the FBI when he told Baker he wasn't working on behalf of any client. In fact, the indictment said, Sussmann was acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign, an unnamed tech executive, and an internet company.
Sussmann's motion to dismiss on Thursday said that in the past, those who have been charged in connection to providing tips to the government have been prosecuted for lying to the FBI "only where the tip itself was alleged to be false, because that is the only statement that could affect the specific decision to commence an investigation."
When Sussmann met with Baker in September 2016, the filing said, he went "to provide a tip."
"There is no allegation in the Indictment that the tip he provided was false. And there is no allegation that he believed that the tip he provided was false," it continued.
"Rather, Mr. Sussmann has been charged with making a false statement about an entirely ancillary matter—about who his client may have been when he met with the FBI—which is a fact that even the Special Counsel's own Indictment fails to allege had any effect on the FBI's decision to open an investigation," the filing said.

sorry for all the reading, i know it's hard....but Sussmann didn't do anything wrong, he didn't tell them something that has never mattered, ever before...only durham thinks it matters, and trumptard fucking idiots
This guy doesn't care about the truth, just pushing an agenda, he's a civil warrior who is pissed that he missed 1/6. He would vote for Trump if he ran in 2024, enough said.


Well-Known Member
do you even understand what this is about? have you read any of the links you post?
Sussman provided a tip to the FBI that trump may have had a covert way of communicating with the russians...Durham hasn't said that that was a lie. NO ONE has said that that was a lie...the lie he supposedly told was that he wasn't doing this as a representative of anyone, while he was in fact working for the Clinton campaign, an unnamed tech executive, and an internet company...
which is not a crime, they have NEVER prosecuted an attorney for doing that, only if the TIP IS A LIE...and no one is saying that...

Sussmann was charged last year with lying to the FBI during a conversation with then FBI general counsel James Baker in 2016. Durham's indictment said that Sussmann "lied about the capacity in which he was providing" allegations to the FBI about what he claimed was a "secret communications channel" between the Trump Organization and Russia's Alfa Bank.
The indictment said Sussmann met with Baker in September 2016, as the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign's links to Russia, and turned over documents and data that he said he believed contained evidence of a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank. The bureau has not uncovered evidence of such a connection.
The indictment said Sussmann lied to the FBI when he told Baker he wasn't working on behalf of any client. In fact, the indictment said, Sussmann was acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign, an unnamed tech executive, and an internet company.
Sussmann's motion to dismiss on Thursday said that in the past, those who have been charged in connection to providing tips to the government have been prosecuted for lying to the FBI "only where the tip itself was alleged to be false, because that is the only statement that could affect the specific decision to commence an investigation."
When Sussmann met with Baker in September 2016, the filing said, he went "to provide a tip."
"There is no allegation in the Indictment that the tip he provided was false. And there is no allegation that he believed that the tip he provided was false," it continued.
"Rather, Mr. Sussmann has been charged with making a false statement about an entirely ancillary matter—about who his client may have been when he met with the FBI—which is a fact that even the Special Counsel's own Indictment fails to allege had any effect on the FBI's decision to open an investigation," the filing said.

sorry for all the reading, i know it's hard....but Sussmann didn't do anything wrong, he didn't tell them something that has never mattered, ever before...only durham thinks it matters, and trumptard fucking idiots
Yeah and too add to that, 1. Just because he was working for the DNC, does that mean that he was doing this on behalf of a client/boss? And 2. Baker is not even sure Sussmann lied or not. This is all just trolling to keep the q-nuts interest.

https://www.lawfareblog.com/special-counsels-weird-prosecution-michael-sussmannScreen Shot 2022-03-27 at 12.00.56 PM.png


Well-Known Member
Well you see hanimal, Durham is a stupid dickhead. Just look at that face. You can tell that fucker berates the McDonald's counter person for not being able tell him how many calories are in his Mcflurry. Just one of those assholes. For some in our country, that makes him a God like messiah, or more likely they associate being a dick as someone with power and authority.

Somebody has to yell at the girl at the olive garden who made cleetus feel dumb because he had never seen a pepper grinder and told her to stop sprinkling dirt on his greens. Uncle Durham is that guy for these people.

McFlurry as well as all items at McD have calorie count on the menu.

Better not let that misinformation get around..gonna nip it right in the bud.
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
So an actual communist ?
now they call them Kleptocrats...also fascists and authoritarians...not exactly interchangeable, but if multiple badges of shame stick, wear em....
funny, when i was a kid, Communist was an insult, like "you dirty commie hippy"...now they don't even exist anymore. Can you imagine what Marx, Lenin, fuck, even Stalin would think if they were resurrected today? they would hang their heads in shame at what became of their Utopian worker's paradise...of course, if the founding fathers were resurrected today and watched one day worth of news, they would want to crawl back into their graves in shame, as well