i don't understand your fascination with this traitor...ah...wait...he's an Australian. i wasn't aware of that...no wonder you fixate on him, he's an Australian being "persecuted" by the U.S....

all i can say is whatever dirt he has on Stone or anyone else better be good or they'll lock his ass up till he dies, and i won't even give the smallest of shits. i'm just curious what your opinion would be if he was an American who had released Australian national security secrets, like how to milk kangaroos...or how crocodile dundee does that thing with dogs
I have no idea what Stone has to do with his espionage charges for publishing Americas war crimes and illegal activities (some to its own people..).
I just heard on the radio that our new Prime Minister will do a bit more in having the saga come to a conclusion. Trump started these charges and its time the silly things Trump did stopped being done.
You should care. You should care a lot.
If he had not of published the war crimes and illegal activity then American people would not of known about them. Seems the CIA even wanted to assassinate him.
You guys seemed to listen to this guy:
"You don't prosecute the illegal activity that is contained in the leaks, you just prosecute the leaker."- What's wrong with this quote?
Good. I don't care who publishes it as long as illegal Government activity comes to the voters attention.
My step mum was a whistleblower. Persecuted by the Australian government:
"Rising to a management position in Social Policy within the Prime Minister’s Department, the ideological landscape has taken a tectonic turn under the Howard government. When fraudulent claims are cooked up to give the government an excuse to send the military into Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory, she courageously blows the whistle, and is sacked, charged and convicted for breaches of the Crimes Act relating to disclosure of confidential information; and is bankrupted for her actions. "
Feel free to buy and read her book.