Well-Known Member
No it wouldn't, it would be a blow to opportunists using the internet as a way to publish Russian propaganda that try to hide under the skirts of 'journalism'.You are more than welcome. We have been a great ally to America and its our duty to help stand up for its majority. Well in truth the world seems to stand up for America's majority and has done for quiet some time. Very hard to help when the cancer is within.
"How would we know today of the wiretapping of the Democratic Party headquarters if it hadn’t been for the hard work of American investigative reporters uncovering information the Nixon administration wanted to hide? How would we know about all the offshore accounts and money laundering activities of politicians across the world if a whistle-blower hadn’t leaked the Panama papers? How would we know how many Reuters journalists were killed by the US army in Iraq, as revealed by the “Collateral Murder” video leaked by Chelsea Manning and published by WikiLeaks? And how would we know how the Democratic Party treats some of its most progressive members, such as Bernie Sanders, if WikiLeaks hadn’t released the files from the hacked Democratic National Committee email server?
Assange had in his hands information of immoral political behaviour by a party and he published it. One can argue about timing and political consequences, but it is hard to deny that it was in the interest of the American public to know these facts. The information was not fake or fabricated; it was the truth.
A criminal trial for Assange in the US would be another blow to journalists, the media and publishers who are already suffering from increasing pressure across the world. So far this year, 45 journalists have been killed across the world."
What happens if Julian Assange is tried in the US?
The prosecution of the WikiLeaks founder in the US would have grave consequences for press freedom across the world.www.aljazeera.com
How would we know about all those? Simple, they could have leaked them to several of the new agencies here in America that would not have weaponized them and then lied about how they got them (Like Assange did when he lied making it seem like a murder victim was his source and not the Russian military attacking our democracy to help their puppet's chances).
Assange is not a journalist, he is a Russian propagandist attacking democracies.
Again though if you actually cared to expose the real threat to whistle blowers here in America, there are far better examples.