I heard they hired a real ball of fire for their social media person, apparently she has a lot of talent for the job!
I think they will, when ole Joe called them semi fascists he was putting on the war paint. They are attacking his people now, the helpless civil servants at the IRS, FBI and DOJ who were bullied into submission by Trump and Barr, they work for HIS administration and any good leader will stand up for his people who are doing their jobs. It's also election season and if Donald wants to get tough with threats against the government, law enforcement and justice system, it's Garland's Job to stop him and Joe's job to backstop Garland. Winning the election in November and using Donald to do it is part of the game here. Even Garland knows that to protect the rule of law, these people must not be allowed to attain power and is using his legal prosecutorial discretion to time Donald's demise for maximum effect on the midterms.It's exceptional. They need to do this more.