Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

I think you give him too much credit for exposing whatever it is. None of it was unknown. Sure the government didn't like it forced into the brightest light, but its not like anything he reported on was new information. I think he's a bit of an attention whore, don't think I would like him on a personal level, but don't think he did anything wrong really.
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I think you give him too much credit for exposing whatever it is. None of it was unknown. Sure the government didn't like it forced into the brightest light, but its not like anything he reported on was new information. I think he's a bit of an attention whore, don't think I would like him on a personal level, but don't think he did anything wrong really.
View attachment 5278086View attachment 5278089
That truncated graph interested me. I found the whole thing.

There must be some slop in the “actual” numbers, because 50% of Americans are Republicans and 51% are Democrats.

Evan Gershkovich didn't steal documents and post them online to enrich himself, while simultaneously jeopardizing the lives of hundreds of intelligence assets...assholesange did...he's trash.
Assange really triggers you.
He triggered Trump and Pompeo to when he published Americas war crimes but especially the CIA's illegal spying on its own citizens.
Didn't you say that everything trump did should be repealed? Well..

Political prisoners are political prisoners and unfortunately America has gotten itself into its own bind over other countries now not respecting the freedom of the press or even bothering to defend who they detain or kill cause they just say "well look at America and Assange".
Assange really triggers you.
He triggered Trump and Pompeo to when he published Americas war crimes but especially the CIA's illegal spying on its own citizens.
Didn't you say that everything trump did should be repealed? Well..

Political prisoners are political prisoners and unfortunately America has gotten itself into its own bind over other countries now not respecting the freedom of the press or even bothering to defend who they detain or kill cause they just say "well look at America and Assange".
What did he publish on Russia or was it just America? He should have been able to spill the beans on Putin and warn the world after his invasions of Ukraine in 2014 and of his smaller neighbors before that. Like Trump, not a bad word to say about the Russians.
What did he publish on Russia or was it just America? He should have been able to spill the beans on Putin and warn the world after his invasions of Ukraine in 2014 and of his smaller neighbors before that. Like Trump, not a bad word to say about the Russians.
I have no idea. Lots of Wiki stuff isnt avaible anymore ( I wonder why..) but i did find this
WikiLeaks - Spy Files Russia
https://wikileaks.org › spyfiles › russia

19 Sept 2017 — Russia's laws - especially the new Yarovaya Law - make literally no distinction between Lawful Interception and mass surveillance by state ...

Did many whistle-blower's in Russia send him any information for wiki to publish? Perhaps Assange didn't want to fall out of a window?..No such thing as Freedom of the press in Russia. The charges are from a long time before the current Ukraine war. Wiki posted thousands if not tens of thousands of things over the years on countries, people, companies--staggering amount of stuff.
He did warn Snowden not to seek asylum in Russia. Assange was offered asylum in Russia and didn't take it. Cannot blame him as the press has no freedom. Not a Political landscape that he endorses. Would of been a huge political coup for Russia- Reporter driven to Russia escaping persecution.
Letting the people know the illegal going on of their own governments does not make them an enemy of the people. In fact it could be argued that they are then the peoples friend.

Id hazard a guess that the people who committed the war crimes got off scot free along with the CIA in illegally spying on its own citizens.- Bet they still do.
Murdoch publishes lies and in fact tells his reporters and anchor people to post lies and he gets off scot free.
The Wall st Journal along with other news services published the same information Wiki did- no charges for their editors.

Wiki embarrassed Pompeo and Trump by publishing truth. He is a Political Prisoner fighting extradition to a kangaroo court.
Judge the case by the charges, who made them (Trump) and how they came about and the law that they are using from 1917 that has never been used before not the unlikable man or the rhetoric that people throw around it confusing the issues plus of cause the never ending adding of charges..

You know as well as I that the only thing protecting a Democracy is Free Press. If Assange is found guilty then Free press is what ever the ruling Party decide it to be. That is the precedent this case sets.

We recently developed Whistle blowers laws and protections for people just like Assange an his suppliers of information. https://asic.gov.au/about-asic/cont...isations-or-people/whistleblower-protections/. Might not go far enough but its a good start and sets the vibe.

When 4 corners exposed Australian solders war crimes the Gov didn't arrest the reporter or editor of 4 corners- it investigated and charged the soldier/s

"The charge should also have significant international resonance. It sets a striking example for other countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom. For the most part, coalition countries are yet to afford meaningful accountability for abuses committed by their personnel in Afghanistan, Iraq, and beyond."

But I'm going to from time to time post Political memes featuring Assange. Sorry if it triggers some- might even make a few rethink with an open mind and revisit what its all about and especially what the consequences could well be.

Also the way America tried setting him up in Sweden and then plotting to kidnap and/or kill him whilst he was in an embassy ...Will make a great Documentary and mini series one day. America wont come out looking great in that no matter Assange's fate.
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Seriously? Did they ban make up for men? What about just for men wash the grey away stuff? Not just Donald has to worry, Rudy does too, if he goes there and melts down again! How do they check if it's really a woman, I've seen butt ugly women who shave and have a better moustache than mine, how will they tell? Grab them by the pussy? :lol: Someone should remind them Black men generally don't wear make up!