Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

so that's flynn, kennedy, bollinger, and the Penguin?...Nothing good can come of that meeting...

i don't see any good coming from that combo either....and i am pretty sure Penguin is Roger Stone in that pic, and Kennedy is supposed to be Demi....something fishy is brewing....my wiskers are tingling
yeah, but is it giving birth, or taking a shit? Cause dumbass fucking republicans aren't ready for that enema yet...
70% of republican primary voters still support Magat#1
Aren’t those the same polls who warned us of the red tsunami in 2022?
I’m not buying it now and I didn’t buy it then
But that’s just me :hump:
The God-fearing white folks from her district are just fine with it, in fact they like it, she represents the best and brightest from her district. Think they have another agenda, other than responsible government, think most of them are at war with "liberal America" the allies of black people?

WTF would vote for this POS and why?
Hint, it's not just stupidity, people don't get that stupid on their own, they need help and constant support to maintain it.