Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

It's our education system, we've failed him by his inability to explain or converse.

It's been happening up here in Canada too. Can't fail the poor little snowflakes so by the time they leave high school if they make it that far they have the reading skills and comprehension of a 3rd grader. Kids need to learn how to handle failure so they can more appreciate those rare triumphs. The most traumatic thing they may go through in their early years is finding out Santa is a myth.

We need more investment and reality in education. It's an investment in all our futures and the future of the planet.

Google an old sci-fi story from 1951 by C.M. Kornbluth called The Marching Morons. Not a long read but an accurate prescient missive about the times we have become. Public domain. Basically caused by what we have been doing as a society all over the world. The educated, intelligent people have been limiting their contributions to the gene pool while people like tRumps great unwashed masses, the uneducated he loves so much have been breeding like bunnies. Bunnies aren't vermin right so no need to talk about exterminating anyone. :)

It's almost a scary story because it all seems so likely to happen.
