I don’t know which post that was but I’m pretty sure you were wrong.
Ayn Rand was a sociopathic drunk with a cult following as many such personalities do. A Russian émigré whose family was fucked over by communism and she was a shitty novelist with no education in economics. Many greed driven assholes look to her ramblings for economic ideology, though she knew nothing about economics and even less about human nature and less still on how to be happy. Objectivism is a joke, she was motivated entirely by subjective feelings and wouldn't know real objectivism if she fell over it, which she did.
Welcome new sock to RIU poli-ticks
If you are going to post a meme try harder
Does it really matter, point was proven..no?If you are going to post a meme try harder
33 ad was not the crucifixion duh
NODoes it really matter, point was proven..no?
Does it really matter, point was proven..no?
What guns? I lost them all in a boating accidentThat Ayn Rand quote is from the 50's? 60's? It's funny, you go look at political cartoons from a hundred years ago and it's the same stuff, "they takin mah guns!", "soon we will all be slaves!".
Who the fuck is Rob Roy, besides that shitty scottish movie?Well I guess we found Rob Roy's dupe.