Political Satire

None of the ones who ask for asylum broke the law.
That is not what I asked.
Anyway, here is official data:
The 2.5 million encounters of migrants occurring at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year (FY) 2023 represent a new historic high, topping the prior year’s record
Between FY 2022 and FY 2023, arrivals at ports of entry of migrants without prior authorization to enter the United States more than doubled, from 173,000 to 430,000.

in FY 2023, when USCIS received roughly 454,000 Form I-589 applications.

So, if suppose that everyone who arrived at the legal port of entry in FY 2023 without previous authorisation applied for asylum, that leaves 14K applicants who crossed the US border illegally. That means that 2,5 million people who crossed the border illegally last year didn't cross the border to seek asylum.
That are your words, not mine. You hate Trump so much, that you ready to swallow any garbage that left owned press will feed you. I don't care about Trump, I don't care about Biden and that gives a better perspective.
Biden lies to your face and you take it. Democrats hate Trump because he exposed theirs lies and corruption. Trump is the only president in resent history who's wealth decreased after his tirm.
Here is an article in NY Post about Zelensky corruption:

NY Post from MBFC.

Analysis / Bias
In review, the New York Post tends to publish stories utilizing sensationalized headlines with emotionally loaded wording such as “Cop cold-cocks unarmed man ‘acting irate’ at restaurant,” and “It’s time for Bill Clinton to take a walk in the Chappaqua woods.”The New York Post also republishes news from other sources, such as the least-biased Associated Press. More stories favor the right, but the NY Post does not shy away from reporting negative coverage of the right if it is a big story. They also tend to source their information properly; however, many times, the headline misleadingly exaggerates the actual story they are reporting.

Editorially, The Post has endorsed the Republican Presidential Candidate in every race since 1980. However, in 2016 they did not offer either candidate an endorsement for the Presidential election.

According to an LA Times article, the New York Post is reported to be former U.S. President Donald Trump’s preferred newspaper, which maintains frequent contact with Rupert Murdoch. The Post, According to a surveyconducted by Pace University in 2004, was rated the least credible major news outlet in New York. The Post has been criticized since the beginning of Murdoch’s ownership for “sensationalism, blatant advocacy, and conservative bias.”

Failed Fact Checks
Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks.(7/16/2016) Updated (M. Huitsing 11/11/2022)


I thought we talked about this. Murdoch propaganda organs are blithely feeding the maga/FSB disinformation machine. Not trustworthy, and not actual journalism.

To the bolded: accidental honesty. That man tapped directly into America’s grievance aorta.
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So, for you only accountable source is left own propaganda outlets, isn't it?
Nope. I actually would recommend everyone stick to AP news for the facts that are provable and then come to their own conclusions instead of having something to digest their facts into soundbites. But I get it, clickbait is fun, but im still weary of it.

FYI New York Post is the oldest newspaper in US.
lmao so? That didn't stop it from being sold out to foreign trolls to spam Putin's propaganda with.
I will not ask again to be within tos.
also people who are holding onto deleted quotes and requoting them stop. theyre deleted for a reason
You are posting this right after me, so if you do mean me can you please point out what it is you are talking about because I am clueless to what it could be.
A mod let me know what I said that got a post of mine deleted. js, if you didn't get a message you probably didn't cross any of the lines. The cause was an abbreviated term commonly used on the internet that involved the letter f and was a mistake, not an over the top blowout. I appreciated the heads up from that mod. Cuts out the guesswork.
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A mod let me know what I said that got a post of mine deleted. js, if you didn't get a message you probably didn't cross any of the lines. The cause was an abbreviated term commonly used on the internet that involved the letter f and was a mistake, not an over the top blowout. I appreciated the heads up from that mod. Cuts out the guesswork.
I see thank you.
Thanks to US money Ukraine just opened new cemetery for 1,5 million graves. Is that a good enough return on that investment for you?

Putin invaded Ukraine because NATO and US in particular broke a lot of signed on paper promises made after the collapse of Soviet Union. The last one was invitation of Ukraine to be a NATO candidate country.
I don't support invasion what so ever, but to say it was unprovoked, is just lack of knowledge on the context.
Why are you so argumentative if you don't care for either party or have no dog in the fight? I don't have blinders on politically,never voted nor was political for 50 yrs. of my life. But Trump is beyond comparison in the damage caused at his hands,his ignorance of history and the rule of law and chart breaking embrace of malfeasance shouldn't have gotten him within 1000 ft of the Wht. House. He has destroyed the bi partisan two party system leaving the ruins in his wake. I'm not a leftist fan-boy,i'm just awakened and angry by the state of this nation fomented by a narcissistic,morally bankrupt,pre/post office blatant criminal and his followers fueled by lies and the demolition of truth. A false narrative that has radicalized politics,put Americans in silos,weakened institutions,and emboldened our adversaries w/a govt. perpetually spinning wheels unable to move forward.
Why are you so argumentative if you don't care for either party or have no dog in the fight? I don't have blinders on politically,never voted nor was political for 50 yrs. of my life. But Trump is beyond comparison in the damage caused at his hands,his ignorance of history and the rule of law and chart breaking embrace of malfeasance shouldn't have gotten him within 1000 ft of the Wht. House. He has destroyed the bi partisan two party system leaving the ruins in his wake. I'm not a leftist fan-boy,i'm just awakened and angry by the state of this nation fomented by a narcissistic,morally bankrupt,pre/post office blatant criminal and his followers fueled by lies and the demolition of truth. A false narrative that has radicalized politics,put Americans in silos,weakened institutions,and emboldened our adversaries w/a govt. perpetually spinning wheels unable to move forward.
There were no wars during Trump, he wasn't convicted on any criminal charges he faced, illegal border crossing were historically low, inflation was low, gas prices were low, salaries were growing.
The fact that Trump is ans a-hole doesn't make him a bad president. That the democrat' hate of Trump divided the nation, not republican support of him.
I am so argumentive because I want people to wake up and and see who is really ruining US. And that is democratic party (more like socialist party). Because if US will go down that will affect the whole world. And not in a good way.
There were no wars during Trump, he wasn't convicted on any criminal charges he faced, illegal border crossing were historically low, inflation was low, gas prices were low, salaries were growing.
The fact that Trump is ans a-hole doesn't make him a bad president. That the democrat' hate of Trump divided the nation, not republican support of him.
I am so argumentive because I want people to wake up and and see who is really ruining US. And that is democratic party (more like socialist party). Because if US will go down that will affect the whole world. And not in a good way.
Missles at Mexico?, Injecting bleach for Covid?,Musical chairs in Staff,Cabinet?,Iran now 1 mnth. from a bomb?,Respected gens. and J. Bolton all commenting on him as mentally unhinged? A 7 yr. old intellect for rule of law/Constitution? Stunningly inept historically?Clear violations of emollients clause? Jared Kushner? elected/appointed???now runs a big Saudi fund????? Border ?A problem back to GHW Bush not Biden's creation? Stealing TOP secret docs? Starting a riot? Refusing peaceful trans. of power?Sensitive Nat. sec. meetings at a table in Mar-A-Lago? Very few press briefings?No Health Care(win,win win)?,No infrastructure(win,win,win)?,Ballooning deficet w/Rich and Corp. tax cut?,and More,and the Economy was kicking ass and on the way up under OBAMA and the Orangeman rode the wave.HE SUCKED,DOES SUCK,WILL SUCK further,he is a self serving ego maniac who will sell his FKN nail clippings for a buck and if he had never rode that escalator and plied his con in NY for the remainder of his life myself and my country would have been all the better.

There were no wars during Trump,
So why was Trump inviting the Taliban to camp David for? What was he sending Pompeo to negotiate with the Taliban (while cutting out the actual government that was in place in Afghanistan) about?
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We could get into how Trump looked away when Russia attacked Ukraine during his presidency, or how he abandoned the Kurds in Seria to give it to Putin, but what's more evidence of Trump's shit handling of foreign affairs.

he wasn't convicted on any criminal charges he faced,
lol yet he was found to have scammed his cult followers time and again, is that just forgotten? And he is still on trial because he has been able to push the date on everything so we shall see how many more things he gets convicted of before it is all said and done.

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SAN DIEGO (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump has paid $25 million to settle three lawsuits against his now-defunct Trump University, signaling that a judge’s approval of a settlement agreement remains on track for March 30.

Trump Entrepreneur Initiative LLC paid the money into escrow ahead of Wednesday’s deadline, said plaintiff attorney Jason Forge, who represented people who took seminars that promised to teach success in real estate. Trump University was renamed Trump Entrepreneur Initiative in 2010 after New York state officials objected to the name because it wasn’t an accredited school.

Trump’s attorneys did not immediately respond to a message Thursday seeking confirmation of the payment.

Under terms disclosed last month, Trump was to pay $25 million at least two days before his inauguration to settle two federal class-action lawsuits in San Diego and a civil lawsuit filed by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. The agreement sets aside $4 million for the New York attorney general’s office and the rest for about 7,000 people who took Trump University programs.

Students who paid up to $35,000 a year are expected to be eligible for refunds of at least half of what they paid if U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel approves the settlement on March 30. Plaintiff attorneys agreed to waive their fees.

Last month, Curiel granted preliminary approval, triggering notices to the former students to either accept the terms or object. They have until March 6 to object.

The lawsuits allege that Trump University gave nationwide seminars that were like infomercials, constantly pressuring people to spend more and, in the end, failing to deliver on its promises. They contend that Trump misled students by calling the business a university and by saying that he had hand-picked the instructors.

The settlement was announced 10 days before a trial was scheduled to begin in San Diego, sparing Trump constant news coverage of a controversy that dogged him during the campaign. Trump admitted no wrongdoing and said at the time that he settled to allow him to focus on the country.
illegal border crossing were historically low,
Trump was cooking the books on everything he was supposed to do (like the census), what makes you think he wasn't on this too?

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gas prices were low,
Because there was a pandemic and economic collapse due to Trump's shit handling of it, and people driving far less, at which point Trump begged his dictator pals to slow oil production and jack up prices once he was out of office.

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inflation was low,
Yeah during recessions (like the one Trump was presiding over) inflation tends to be low.

salaries were growing.
And now they are growing far faster under Biden's leadership while Trump acts like a scab and tries to shit talk union workers trying to get a part of the record profits the companies they work for are giving to their rich shareholders.

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The fact that Trump is ans a-hole doesn't make him a bad president.
True, but it didn't help him out of being a shit president either.

That the democrat' hate of Trump divided the nation, not republican support of him.
Nope Trump did that himself with all his culture war shit that sparked the 2020 year of protests that he devolved into riots with his little bible stunt.
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I am so argumentive because I want people to wake up and and see who is really ruining US.
The American people generally run ourselves, it is hard for people who don't live here to understand that though I get it. Or the ones in a cult that need/want a Dear Leader.

And that is democratic party (more like socialist party). Because if US will go down that will affect the whole world. And not in a good way.
Um sure. It is a big reason why I was so happy to have someone that the free world knows and trusts to not be a corrupt puppet of Putin win the last election.

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. . . . . . . . .I am so argumentive because I want people to wake up and and see who is really ruining US. And that is democratic party (more like socialist party). . . . . . .
As a progressive let me tell you that the Dems are middle right on the political scale. The reason Dark Brandon might be in trouble to trumpf is that young progressives are pissed off and may stay home in november. Young folks don't always realize that all elections are the lesser of two evils, and they may sit this one out.

There are a lot of socialist in america though. Everyone in the army, navy, airforce and marine corp. All the folks on medicade, medicare and social security, etc, etc. Socialism is when folks decide what is important and that thing is subsidized. You know, like heath care for the troops.
As a progressive let me tell you that the Dems are middle right on the political scale. The reason Dark Brandon might be in trouble to trumpf is that young progressives are pissed off and may stay home in november. Young folks don't always realize that all elections are the lesser of two evils, and they may sit this one out.

There are a lot of socialist in america though. Everyone in the army, navy, airforce and marine corp. All the folks on medicade, medicare and social security, etc, etc. Socialism is when folks decide what is important and that thing is subsidized. You know, like heath care for the troops.
Social democracy imo. Socialism goes with collectivizing the means of production and general welfare.

Social democrats believe that regulation is needed to knock the hard edges and corners off of unrestricted capitalism, but give the market enough leeway to let a corporation succeed or fail. Afaik.