Politics Section ..


Well-Known Member
Just entered for the first time and WOW!! Thank god I made it out alive , it was crazy in there.
That is because of how well engineered this social experiment is.
People fall hook line and sinker for this left right divide paradigm without realising it is the actual political system keeping them down.
The same people man the same jobs as far as Joe public is concerned. Laws stays more or less the same, except a few more get added that would have offended the "opposite" party's members.


Well-Known Member
Just entered for the first time and WOW!! Thank god I made it out alive , it was crazy in there.

ffs ya, being put through my paces in the seed strain section at the mojo. Politics section I can just about navigate my way back to TnT x


Active Member
i wont even go in
i refuse to go in as well because they are just babbling on about non-sense. they act like one party or the other is to blame, but no matter who is in office, it's all the same. just a bunch of crap and those people going into those threads are just stressing themselves out for nothing. quit wasting your fucking time.


Well-Known Member
some months I post as a conservative some months I post as a liberal. You gotsa keep em on they toes.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Just a little dab will do ya. I think some of them live there and troll each other none stop, maybe even in their sleep.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
the future's not ours
to see
que sera, sera....
i think we should give em all bats and let em have a go at each other. the same tired old crap being said by the same tired old characters playing the same old parts has gotten old, like with the idiots in the real world.


Well-Known Member
Just entered for the first time and WOW!! Thank god I made it out alive , it was crazy in there.
Once the thread Nazified, I left.

If a mod, I will not mention any usernames, disagrees with your opinion he will delete the post entirely (at best), or edit it to suit him (at worst).

I have seen it done there and I do not approve.

Which is why I avoid the Politics section most of the time.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Lots of angry people in there , I swear I thought I was on a whole nother forum for a minute. You can't be that angry and high at the same time, its just not possible. People must only go in there when they run out of weed lol


Well-Known Member
I've said it once and I'll say it again....I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent/s