

Active Member
Here`s my problem in a nut shell.Okay here goes.I live in N.C. As far as I can tell.They`re goin to Pass H.B.1380 and or 1383 in May.At least I hope it passes.My problem is this.I`m a Totally Disabled Vet.Even if the bill passes.I`m still screwed because V.A. Dr.s Won`t write a perscription for marijuana because It`s against Fed Law.So how do you go about changing a fed law?Or could I get a Dr. outside the V.A. system.If I get caught they`ll cut ALL my meds.What Can I Do?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
it is federally illegal in all states. I don't think you can change fed law. that's how they control us.

....ask your doctor for marinol. I'm sure he won't have any problem dishing that out. :?