Poll: who would be a better President?

Who would be a better President?

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exactly, electric cars are coal and oil powered cars.
Not so, lumphead. Only about 2/3 the power used in the electricity grid comes from fossil fuels.

Not much power for the electricity grid comes from oil (0.6%)

Most electricity comes from coal and natural gas power plants (64%). Even if all came from coal (30%), ev cars are better for the environment. Natural gas (34%) is much cleaner than coal.

Repeatedly studies have shown even if the electricity comes from coal, electric cars are cleaner than gasoline
Despite the naysayer claims, a proper accounting of emissions footprint shows that, in the U.S. and many countries, electric cars, even running on coal powered electricity, are cleaner than gasoline compatriots

About 15% comes from renewables (hydro, solar, wind, biomass, geothermal)

The larger point is ev sets the stage for even greater reductions in emissions. It is inevitable that the US will increase the use of renewables. The country ought to stop arguing and start converting away from nonrenewables.
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meanwhile the third world is heating their homes and cooking with burning dried shit above large oil reserves. why don't they deserve hospitals and refrigerators at low costs like the rest of us?
Without subsidies, big oil will not be as profitable, gas prices will reflect actual costs and consumers will burn less gasoline. That's enough for me.

Did you know that Trump rescinded regulations that curtailed bribery by gas companies in third world countries. Talk about rape. They pay billions to third world countries to government officials who pocket the money for themselves. Big oil companies get cheap oil and give the shaft to the people who own that oil, most of whom live in poverty.
The fact that this is even a question lets me know society, especially American society, is FUCKED. How is this shit not a disgraceful joke to anyone with even moderate intelligence?
Would you like this 1% to fuck you and future generations in the ass? Or this 1% member to fuck you and future generations in the ass?
Which one did ya likes on da tv better? Heee Hoowww
Pathetic lol
Tesla pulling a diesel Semi up a hill in the snow.......
Why should this be great? There are way more efficient cars to do so!

We know less about the oceans here on earth than we know about the moon. How this should be great?!

Maybe lets fix the problems here on earth, before reaching for the stars...
The fact that this is even a question lets me know society, especially American society, is FUCKED. How is this shit not a disgraceful joke to anyone with even moderate intelligence?
Would you like this 1% to fuck you and future generations in the ass? Or this 1% member to fuck you and future generations in the ass?
Which one did ya likes on da tv better? Heee Hoowww
Pathetic lol

Do I have time to lube up or is it a dry fuck?
Do I get a reach around?

Either way fuck no. Thanks for the offer though
The fact that this is even a question lets me know society, especially American society, is FUCKED. How is this shit not a disgraceful joke to anyone with even moderate intelligence?
Would you like this 1% to fuck you and future generations in the ass? Or this 1% member to fuck you and future generations in the ass?
Which one did ya likes on da tv better? Heee Hoowww
Pathetic lol
Maybe David Duke would be worse than Trump. Most living outside of prison and quite a few living in prison who would make better presidents than Trump.

As far as Oprah for prez goes, the more running for prez in the Democratic primary the merrier. I'd love to see The Rock, Oprah, Sherrod Brown, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders and many others go head to head in a debate.
Why should this be great? There are way more efficient cars to do so!

We know less about the oceans here on earth than we know about the moon. How this should be great?!

Maybe lets fix the problems here on earth, before reaching for the stars...
It's a fine example of an efficient 0 emission electric vehicle pulling along an old dinosaur diesel.....kinda like in politics today. 0 emission vehicles are fixing some very big problems here on earth.....next up Mars8-)
Why should this be great? There are way more efficient cars to do so!

We know less about the oceans here on earth than we know about the moon. How this should be great?!

Maybe lets fix the problems here on earth, before reaching for the stars...
Very imaginative but "efficient" doesnt mean what you think it does. Where did you confirm the current status of lunar knowledge?
It's a fine example of an efficient 0 emission electric vehicle pulling along an old dinosaur diesel.....kinda like in politics today. 0 emission vehicles are fixing some very big problems here on earth.....next up Mars8-)
I think you forgot something... like
- how are these rare metals gained, that made these „imaginative“ vehicles possible?
- and how many people lost theire health or life for it?!
- how much gas was used to produce these cars (as already written down here, energy is still based on gas)
- this car won‘t make you more happier
- neither mars will!

Science developement ist faster than mankind can understand conditions and effect on humans or earth.

I live in a forest and wood mangement area, I can see daily what damage these great vehicles are doing, which were devoloped in the past. And yes they are fast and efficient! Even faster and more efficient than nature is able to recover. Horses have done the job way better, but it was too inefficient for the people, right? Haha

http://scientistswarning.forestry.o...Ripple_et_al. _7-31-17_scientists_warning.pdf